~Chapter 25~

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"Here." A packet of onigiri slid on Osamu's desk. The curious grey-haired fox raised his head, meeting the glorious (e/c) eyes who sat beside his desk mate table.

"For?" He asked, accepting the onigiri with no hesitation.

"For taking care of me the other day. Thanks."

Osamu took a bite, immediately devoured the tantalising taste with satisfaction. "Yer welcome. But ya know, this isn't enough."

"I know you would say that." You pouted, chin on the palm of your hand as you watched his cute puffy cheeks munching the onigiri.

He chuckled, dragging the chair you sat on towards him. "Then you would know what I want. Right, sweetheart?"

His cheekily smile fluttered some butterflies in your stomach. It's probably his new habit or you can say, his one soft side. They appeared so recently only to you. You can guess that he's getting affectionate and happy being with you. Like he promised, he would be by your side, at all cost. Although sometimes, when he wants your attention or he wants to be "affectionate" towards you, he will go all out for it, which could end up in a cheesy remark or his act.

Just like last and other time scenarios.

Osamu always makes you blush or feel butterflies in your stomach after you realise he said a lot of true words that express love in some type of way. Not that you are dense for not realising his way of expressing "love" or "affection" with the use of his words and his behaviour. It usually wasn't the everyday view before he knew affection.

Feeling your blush crept up your face as the warmth of his presence embracing you and his face were inches away from you when he decided to drag your chair towards him. "W-well, I do have something in my mind for you."

"And that is?" Both his hands set on both sides of the edge of the chair, trapping you under him.

"First of all, let's talk normally, yeah?" Grabbing the hem of his sleeves, you released his hands from your chair and didn't waste any time dragging yourself back to the original desk.

"Aww why-"

"Second of all, the festival near our neighbourhood will be open in two days so... I was wondering if I coul-"

"Shh shh shh stop it right there!" He cupped your mouth, stopping you to talk further. "A-are you- um... are you asking me out?"

Your eyes widened and instantly slapped his hands away. "What! No, not that! I'm telling you that if we could go there together. You know, exploring, playing and eating, that kind of stuff. We didn't get to do those last year since you're sick at that time."

"Ah..." He sighed, face full of disappointment. "Alright I guess."

"Wha- what's with that face?"


"...Okay. Just so you know, I'm inviting Atsumu too."

"Not that guy too!"

"Why not!"

Osamu was 100% sure that the festival would be boring this time. Last year, he was sick which caused you not to go because of caring for him. Deep down, he felt bad. But the sickness wasn't something he controlled and just the way you let it slide while making up your mind to help him recover was really a heartwarming thing.

Just now, he wants affection. Hearing you brought up the festival and your request was 90% similar to asking him out. At first, he was thrilled on the inside, which made him harder to speak. However, take in the real request you requested about bringing him down.

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