~Idol Next Door~ #6

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Y/n- guess I'm stuck with him.


Y/n- I should go and get ready (yes I don't want to look like a potato in front of jungwon)

Y/n- *almost done just setting her hair*

*Doorbell rings*

y/n ran to open the door, not so surprisingly, it was jungwon.

Jungwon- noo-

Y/n- jungwon just one second, I'll bring my purse *dashes*

jungwon- (looked at her disappearing and appearing figure while leaning on the door) now shall we go?!?

Y/n- yes yes I'm here let's go

(L E T apostrophe S G O (hehe))

Y/n- where are we going tho?

Jungwon- letz go to the mall

Y/n- okay then (I hope I don't do something embarassing in front of him)

They sat in jungwon's car. The whole ride went silent until jungwon decided to break it.

Jungwon- noona if you don't mind, tell something about yourself. Do you live here from the starting?

Y/n- actually no, I shifted here yesterday, on the day of the fan meeting.

Jungwon- oh~ Is it for me then? *smirks*

Y/n- shatap. I'm smart *hair flip* so I got the opportunity to transfer and study here, in seoul. Lucky enough that y'all happened to keep a fan meeting yesterday.

Jungwon- ahh~ you must have had your friends there.

Y/n- yes, I had a bestfriend. I miss him here though

Jungwon- (him? oh so it's a boy) Don't worry you have me here *winks*

y/n- stop with it tsk

Jungwon- might seem personal but do you have a boyfriend?

y/n- nope

Jungwon- *whispers to himself* perfect then

y/n- did you say something?

Jungwon- no no, we've reached.

*they both got off and went inside the mall*

Y/n- okay now what you wanted to do?

Jungwon- come on let's just do shopping or hang out. Let's be friends at least?

Y/n- okay okay (how could I reject HIS offer?)

Jungwon- being friends doesn't change the fact that I like you *runs away*

Y/n- (aish jungwon you want my poor heart to explode)

*y/n follows him*

Y/n- yahh you long legs, walk slowly.

*run towards y/n*
*holds her hand*
*runs again towards a shop*

Jungwon- y/n you can choose anything you wanna buy.

Y/n- I have money, I ain't poor.

Jungwon- aish still, consider this as a gift.

Y/n- jungwon no-

Jungwon- okay then lemme shop for you.

*drags her everywhere*

Jungwon- y/n noona this dress is pretty, try it on!

Y/n- okay okay but first leave my hand, or you wanna come with me? *this time it was y/n smirking*

Jungwon- n-no y-you go to the dressing room

Y/n- (yes, I made THE yang jungwon stutter)

y/n comes out of the dressing room looking all gorgeous in the dress selected by him. While she looked into jungwon's eyes for his opinion, jungwon was checking her out head to toe.

Jungwon- (fck why is she so hot) you look pretty noona.

*y/n felt shy by his gaze*

Y/n- a-aah I'll go change into my clothes back.

*they were done shopping, it was more like shopping for y/n but jungwon wants it so why not*

Y/n- jungwon can we eat something nowww??

Jungwon- *chuckles* sure let's go there?

Y/n- okie

They finished their food while talking about totally random things. Jungwon wanted to look at y/n forever, he realised how deep he has fallen. But again, he didn't know if y/n feels the same or just respects him as an idol.

Y/n- Jungwon let's go home?

Jungwon- yesh come noona

Jungwon- *spots something, more like someone*

Jungwon- sunoo and niki? Here? (damn they'll tease me after seeing me with a girl)


jungwon- shhh don't scream, my poor ears *fake cries*

Y/n- eh, anyways where?

Jungwon- there *points towards them*

Y/n- you want to meet them?

Jungwon- no, let's hide instead

Y/n- wow... why?

Jungwon- uhm... They called me to hangout but I said I'll be busy with my mom hehe. They gonna kill me if they see me, save me noona~~

~to be continued~

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