~Idol Next Door~ #12

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Jungwon- hey darl- who's he?

timings, all about timings.

"Oh, he's my best friend, remembered me after long"
She said as she parted away from Beomgyu. I mean she wasn't doing anything wrong to hesitate about right? Or was she...

Jungwon looked over Beomgyu and forced a smile.
"Hi I'm Jungwon, y/n's-"

Beomgyu- boyfriend, I'm Beomgyu, nice to meet you *smiles and extends his hand*

Jungwon slightly shook it.

Y/n invited both of them inside. Awkward? Hell yea. Still had a pretty good talk and introduction.

Y/n- why don't we go and watch a movie?

This idea was agreed upon by all three, so what's the wait now?

Drove right away to the theatre. Oh and let's not ignore the fact Beomgyu and y/n being "close" WAS bothering jungwon. Can't blame him though.

"You look pretty as always y/n"

"Thank you" y/n blushed a little and mouthed a small thank you.

The movie was going pretty well. What could even go wrong in here? Interval time~

Jungwon- I'll just go and grab 3 buckets of popcorn.

Y/n- I'm waiting, be back fast.

jungwon was disappointed that y/n didn't volunteer to tag him along, he still went alone though, without complaining.

Jungwon- three cheese popcorn please.

The waiter heard him and came with 3 popcorns in his han-

Waiter- OMG JUNGW-

Jungwon- shhh, I don't want a crowd right now, I'm happy you recognised me.

Waiter- how can I not-?!? I apologise for my mistake, enjoy please.

The waiter handed the popcorn and rushed away due to nervousness plus excitedness. Jungwon went back to continue the movie.

As soon as he was close enough to have both of them in his vision, the sight of Beomgyu so close to y/n, almost as he was going to kiss her triggered jungwon. He didn't know if to feel sad or angry.

As soon as he walked further, near his place to sit, Beomgyu leaned away. Jungwon pretended he didn't see that and sat back, continuing to watch the movie.

"What's wrong with Beomgyu?" jungwon whispered to y/n

Y/n- Beomgyu's whole existence is wrong, so what are we talking about?
(Said it too loud I guess)

Beomgyu- I don't think I'm deaf (pouted)

Y/n chuckled and looked at the screen again.

Jungwon knew he had to confront y/n but he also knew that this isn't the correct time. It would be too irrational of him to ruin the movie and the mood, talking later was the best decision he could've made.

The movie ended, finally.

Y/n- that's was one good of a movie, it was awesome tbh.

What would've jungwon answered? He was too busy in thoughts.

Y/n- jungwon? *waved hand infront of his face*

Jungwon- ahh yea, the movie was nice.

Beomgyu- totally upto my taste!

y/n- jungwon can we have ice cream on our way back? please?

Y/n knew Jungwon can't resist that, you can say she was taking advantage of it, but she has all rights to do so.

They walked a few minutes back until they spotted an ice cream stall.

Jungwon- y/n what would you like to have? And you Beomgyu?

Y/n- chocolate for me

Beomgyu- I would take strawberry

Jungwon turned to the shop vendor
"One strawberry, one chocolate and one strawberry with chocolate please"

y/n looked at him partially weird-ed out "Why would you eat strawberry with chocolate"

Jungwon- idk I just like it, don't look at me like that okay? {STRAWBERRY WITH CHOCOLATE 👹}

y/n giggled "fine just don't make me eat that some day"

~to be continued~

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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