~Idol Next Door~ #8

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Jungwon's mother- *laughs* I know it jungwon, I just want to know who's that "her"? *smirks and raises an eyebrow*

Jungwon- u-umm (I guess I do have to spit everything out)

*Jungwon takes a deep breath* okay so mom, she lives next door to us

Jungwon's mother- WHAT? I'm going bye.


Jungwon's mother- yes yes jungwon I'm here to listen to all your stories

Jungwon- she's just a fan whom I met in our recent fan meeting, I k-kinda like her... *tells his mother everything FILTERING "inappropriate" moments*

Jungwon's mother- omo my son is not a child anymore *wipes her non-existing tears*

"Can't I meet her now?!" asked jungwon's mom

Jungwon- mom! stop what will she think of me *face palms*

Jungwon's mother- eyyy everyone's whipped for my son

Jungwon- still! She'll get creeped out!

Jungwon's mother- okay okay, but as soon as she's yours, make her meet me okay?

Jungwon- *sighs in defeat* okay mom, now can I go in my room?

To which jungwon's mom replied with "sure"

Jungwon jumped on his bed scrolling through the pictures he took of y/n smiling wholeheartedly. He has indeed gone crazy, crazy for y/n. His rest of the day passed quite boring without her. But again he's going to attack at her house tomorrow.

While if we look at y/n, she's also bored out all by herself, but ofcourse, she doesn't have the guts to casually go to his house when they just met.

The day ended and a new day started. The morning passed just like that. It was afternoon, y/n was in a little hope that maybe jungwon will come again as he promised yesterday. Y/n decided to wait for him.

Y/n's POV- It was way past her lunchtime. "why did I even think he would come, I mean I'm nothing to him. I shouldn't have kept expectations." She sighed and tried to brush away the thoughts of him. In a fight with her heart which is telling her to call jungwon, her heart eventually won and she gathered all her courage calling jungwon.


jungwon- hello y/n, what's up?

Y/n- h-hi jungwon, weren't you going to come here for lunch everyday?

Jungwon- ahh I'm really sorry, I am outside. But the way you called me to invite, seems like you missed me

*y/n could feel him smirking*

Y/n- n-no I was just going to eat so I asked you

Jungwon- just going to eat? Noona do you have a clock in your house?

Y/n- (shit) okay so I was waiting for you to come, happy?

Jungwon- very much, don't worry I'll come to you as soon as I come, don't miss me a lot even if you like me so much *smirks*

Y/n- shut up, I'm not missing you

Jungwon- oh is that so-? *teases her*

Y/n- bye I'm hanging *cuts the call with full force*

Y/n- that little jungwon always makes my heart skip a beat. I should probably go out and explore the place a little bit

With that y/n walked a little exploring her neighbourhood. She found a ramen shop and the idea of eating wasn't that bad. (she was damn hungry anyways) On her way to return back, she saw a familiar figure.

Y/n- is that jungwon-? Wait, that's his mother with him?

They saw each other and made a eye contact for 10 seconds. Y/n eventually greeted jungwon.

Y/n- oh hello, you're back?

Jungwon- h-hie noona *looks over his mom*

Jungwon's mother- is she the one-?!? *whispers in jungwon's ear*

jungwon- shh mom she might hear us *whispers back*

Jungwon's mother- Hello young lady, I'm jungwon's mother. Seems like you know each other.

Y/n- Hello, I'm y/n, I live just next door to you.

Jungwon's mother- ahh, I hope to see you often y/n.

Y/n- I'll be going then, bye jungwon, bye mrs.yang *waves and left*

Jungwon's mother- noona? She's older than you? She's so pretty though, after all she's my son's choice *winks* 

~to be continued~

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