~Idol Next Door~ #9

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Jungwon's mother- noona? She's older than you? She's so pretty though, after all she's my son's choice *winks*

Jungwon- y-yah mom stop

Author's pov- Jungwon decided to visit y/n's house and his mother went back to her place.

*knock knock*

y/n opened the door revealing jungwon standing there.

Jungwon- can I come in?

Y/n- yeah ofc, come inside

Jungwon sat on the couch and y/n sat beside him. They decided to watch a movie together because both of them had nothing to do.

Jungwon- noona you know I'm going back to our dorm tomorrow.

Y/n- Ahh, I'll miss you then

Jungwon- don't worry noona I'll come to meet you often, I mean I can't just leave you right?

Y/n- you know what, drop that "noona"

Jungwon- huh-?

Y/n- I don't want you to call me noona and flirt with me the next second.

Jungwon- *smirks* then what do you want me to call you?

Y/n- do you actually like me jungwon or you're just playing around?

jungwon- and what makes you think that I'm playing around? Trust me I more than just "like" you.

Y/n- and what makes me believe that?

jungwon- do you really want me to prove that?

Y/n- maybe?

Jungwon lightly pins y/n

Y/n- e-ehh what are you doing?

jungwon came closer and whispered in her ears softly "proving you". He then moves his eyes towards her lips. "May I?" asked jungwon with that flirty gaze visible in his eyes.

Y/n was too flustered to form words. She slightly nodded.

That was it.

Jungwon softly placed his delicate lips over y/n's, making her feel so many things she couldn't describe. The moment was so dreamy and it felt like the time also backed off and stopped for them.

They slowly parted while their lips still being close enough. Jungwon whispered upon her lips "I love you"

Y/n was taken aback but still lost in his eyes. She didn't want to deny how he makes her feel anymore.

"Jungwon I-I love you too"

Jungwon- *smiles happily* are you sure you're ready to be mine so easily? *Jungwon teases her*

Y/n- who wouldn't tbh, you're so cute... and hot.

Jungwon- *blushed a little* oh now you're flirting with me?

Y/n- should I stop? *teases jungwon*

Jungwon- I don't remember saying that.

Jungwon very gently held y/n's waist, like he was holding the most precious thing in the world, and looked directly into her dazzling eyes.

Jungwon- You don't know how much I love and adore you, may sound weird liking a person so quickly and that too when I am her idol but you... you're just different. I really do love you and I am not at all joking when I say that, not even a tiny bit.

Y/n- eyyy jungwon you're melting me now. Well trust me, not for a second I thought that YOU out of all the people in the world, would like me. Guess miracles do happen. The time I spent with you made me realise that I love you, more than just an idol.

Jungwon- *smiled at her* You know you're the prettiest, most lovely and a whole new dictionary of compliments. I can't even imag-

Y/n- okay now jungwon, shut up, and kiss me again.

*To be continued*


Jsjfjjfkkdjek I forgot this existed 😭😭

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