~Idol Next Door~ #11

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Everyone laughed (including me lmao)

Jungwon- yahh don't scare me y'all

Niki- yes yes we won't-

---The day passed as they continued talking---

It was now evening. They had their usual schedule. Even their fate world tour was coming up. Quite much of work I would say.

In the beginning, they used to meet up quite often. But as jungwon is an idol and y/n's school started, they got busy in their lives and the gap between their meetings got wider. sad.
Now, they usually meet once in a week or sometimes two, whenever they get spare time. Even the calls were getting reduced. Three months passed like this.

"Hey jungwon!" y/n dialed jungwon and spoke.

Jungwon- hey love, I'm really sorry but I'm filming right now. I'll call you later bye! *and he cut the call*

Y/n- *sighed* he's busy, I'll call him later.

Y/n was going to get up to study until her phone ringed, it was Beomgyu...

Beomgyu- Yah it seems like you forgot me living there!

Y/n- it's not like that come on! I do call you when I get time.

Beomgyu- how would you even get time, you're busy with your boyfriend!!

Yes, y/n told him everything. Even if it was hard, she did have to tell right? She can't leave Beomgyu hanging like that, waiting for her, forever. It would be a total lie if I said Beomgyu wasn't hurt. He was, deeply, but all that matters to him is y/n's happiness. Maybe he has moved on? Good if he did.

Y/n- eyy come on, he's always busy.

Beomgyu- what do you expect from an idol. And btw I HAVE A GREAT NEWS

Y/n- what is it? *Y/n got curious due to Beomgyu's excitement*

Beomgyu- so... I'm am coming there, Seoul, to your house for a visit!

Y/n- Beomgyu it's not a time to prank me you know

Beomgyu- But I'm speaking all truth

Y/n- *I can feel him pouting through the call* wait-? Really? Are you fr? YAYYYY WHEN ARE YOU COMING?

Beomgyu- tomorrow morning

Y/n- WHAT-? TOMORROW? finally I'll meet you after whole 3 months.

Beomgyu- now I'm ending the call, I need to pack bye

Y/n- bye! I'm waiting here for you.

With that the call ended. Y/n was too happy to see Beomgyu after so long.
"Finally he's coming" said y/n.

Y/n- I should probably go to the grocery store and buy stuff, I'm running out of them anyways.

Y/n left as she planned. (Let's just skip to tomorrow morning as it'll be boring anyways lol)


*Bell rings*

"He's here finally"

Y/n opened the door excitedly. As soon as she did, Beomgyu hugged her, it was a long one.

"I missed you" said Beomgyu without breaking the hug.

What could possibly go wrong now? a lot of things.

jungwon- hey darl- who's he?

~to be continued~

~𝐼𝑑𝑜𝑙 𝑁𝑒𝑥𝑡 𝐷𝑜𝑜𝑟~ | 𝕐𝔸ℕ𝔾 𝕁𝕌ℕ𝔾𝕎𝕆ℕ 𝔽𝔽 Where stories live. Discover now