Not feeling well

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A week ago snow miser was at a meeting with his mother and had to use the bathroom really badly. But he ends up going on his mother's house. Since then snow miser wasn't feeling like himself he has pain in his bladder and he has been going to the bathroom more then he usually does.

Snow: Oww my is my bladder hurting so much? I know I don't have to pee again I just went.
Snow miser decided to go talk to his mother about it and see what she says about the pain in his bladder. Snow miser gets to mother nature's house and he can see the stain that was left by his urine during the meeting. Snow miser knocked on the door and soon Mother Nature answered.

Mother Nature: oh hey snow miser come on in dear.
Snow miser sits on the couch and waits for his mother to come back from the kitchen. She come back with a tray of tea and hands the cup to snow.

Mother Nature: how have you been dear.
Snow: not great mother dear. I haven't been feeling like my self lately.
Mother Nature: oh my poor snowflake what's wrong?

Snow miser explains everything to his mother and when he was done Mother Nature looked shocked.

Snow: so what's wrong with me mother?
Mother Nature: ok snow miser I'm gonna explain this a best I can but you might have a UTI.
Snow: what's a UTI?
Mother Nature: Urinary tract infection. It's when your bladder or kidneys are infected from holding you pee in for to long.
Snow: so you think I might have a infection in my bladder.
Mother Nature: yeah probably I'm gonna make a dr appointment for you this week ok?

Snow miser was shocked and scared at the same time he didn't even know that a UTI was a thing. Snow miser goes back home and walks to his bedroom locking the door.

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