Family Visits

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The next day, Mother nature asked snow if he still wanted heat miser to visit. Of course snow wanted to see his brother he was worried about him and he knows for a fact that heat miser is worried about him too. soon the nurse came in to check on snow and she took snow misers vitals and they were all good. Then  the nurse gave snow the breakfast menu. Snow ordered biscuits and gravy his favorite. the nurse left to get snow's food ready a few minutes later the room service came and gave snow miser his food. Mother naure helped snow get ready to eat she sits him up on the bed and puts the food on the table and rolls it to him then snow started eating.

Snow: thanks mother dear for helping me sit on straight.

Mother Nature: you are very welcome dear, i know its uncomfortable to lay in a bed like that for so long.

Snow: yeah it really is my back hurts from it. Will i get to walk around later?

Mother Nature: you might be able too i dont know yet. We can ask the nurse or doctor about it.

Snow: ok i will do that.

A few minutes later, Snow miser was done eating his breakfast then the nurse came in and grabbed his empty plate and walked away. when she came back snow asked her if the doctor is gonna let him walk around later. the nurse will ask the doctor if snow could get out of bed and move around a little. after a couple hours mother nature went home to get heat miser. when they got back heat ran straight for his brother and hugged him. Snow was so glad to see his brother it felt like years has past. Snow hugged his brother back. Heat was sobbing on his brothers shoulder getting snow's sleeve wet but he didnt care. soon the doctor came in and asked snow if he was ready to walk around. snow agreed and heat offered to walk with him and snow miser of course agreed. They walked down the halls and during the walk they came across the gift shop. Snow saw a stuffed pinguin he wanted it so bad but he didnt have any money on him. Heat saw how sad his brother was and decided to get it for him.

Heat: I will catch up with you guys um... i have to use the bathroom real quick.

dr: ok we will meet you back at the room sir.

Heat: ok see you shortly.

Once heat miser lost sight of them he ran into the gift shop and grabbed the stuffed pinguin that his brother saw and paid for it and went back to snow miser's room. When he got there snow was already back into his bed and watching tv. Heat walked up to him and handed the bag to snow. He opens it and sees the stuffed pinguin from the gift shop and he hugged it tight. He couldnt have felt any happier. 

Heat: I got a surprise for you dear brother.

Snow: opens it and sees the stuffed pinguin from the store.* Heat are you serious right now?

Heat: yes  i am actually hehe. I love you brother.

Snow: I love you too Heat and thank you so much for getting me this.

Mother Nature watches as her eyes start to tear up she really wishes her boys will be nice like this all the time. She really enjoys every moment of it because she knows once snow gets out of the hospital the fighting will start all over again.

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