After surgery

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After snow miser woke up from the recovery room he was transferred to a regular room. When they got to the room the nurse hooked snow up to the machines and asked him if he was feeling any pain.
Nurse: ok mr.snow you are all set are you hurting anywhere at the moment?
Snow: no but I do feel nauseous.
Nurse: that's normal after surgery do you want me to bring you some ginger ale to help with that?
Snow: yes please.
Nurse: ok I'll be back and here I'm gonna give you this just in case.

The nurse gave snow one of the puke bags from behind the bed just in case if he threw up while the nurse was away. Snow take the bag and hold it then the nurse left to get him ginger ale.
Mother Nature: I'm proud of you snowflake.
Snow: thanks mother dear.

A few minutes later snow Miser stomach was not acting right he felt something coming up he grabs the bag and held it underneath his mouth and less than a second he started to throw up. This went on for a good minute and then he stopped.
Snow: that was gross.
Mother Nature: I know dear that this is good because that's the Anesthesia leaving your body.
Snow: ok

Soon the nurse walks back in with the ginger ale and hands it to snow. Snow takes a sip and rest his head back. The nurse suggested that snow gets some rest Mother Nature agreed then the nurse walked out of the room leaving Mother Nature and snow alone. A few hours later snow was well enough to eat he looked at the menu and got a salad and a cookie for dessert. He also had sprite to drink. After snow ate his lunch he played on his iPad and games with his mother.
Snow: Mother what would I do without you
Mother Nature: oh my sweet snowflake. I don't know what I would do without you either.

Soon the doctor came in to check on how snow was doing snow was doing pretty good he was laughing and playing with his mother it was great. The doctor checked snows vitals and they all look great. The doctor left and snow asked his mother if his brother heat can pay a visit tomorrow. Mother Nature immediately agreed. Snow miser was exited he hasn't seen his brother for a while and was getting worried about him.

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