The results

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A couple days later Mother Nature gets a call from the doctor and they tell her that the lab results are back. The results are not good at all.
Dr: hello Mother Nature we just got snow misers test results today and it shows that he does indeed have a UTI.
Mother Nature: oh boy, so what do we need to do.
Dr: we will want to do a MRI on his bladder and make sure there is no hole or anything.
Mother Nature: ok when will that be.
Dr: next week on Friday at 7:30 am.
Mother Nature: ok thank you doctor.
Dr: No problem enjoy the rest of your day.
Mother Nature: thanks you too bye.

Mother Nature hangs up and was so worried now her son has a UTI and he might need surgery for it to fix his bladder. Soon snow miser walks into the house and Mother Nature stopped him.
Snow: Mother what's wrong?
Mother Nature: snowflake I got bad new to share with you.
Snow: what is it?
Mother Nature: you indeed have a UTI so they are gonna do a MRI but if they find something wrong with your bladder you will need surgery.

Snow miser was scared from what his mother just told him he doesn't want to have surgery on his bladder.
Snow: Mother are you serious I'm gonna need surgery?
Mother Nature: we do t know for sure until we do the MRI. Which is scheduled for next week.
Snow: I'm scared Mother.
Mother Nature: shhh I know dear but everything is going to be ok.

Snow miser hugs his mother and then let's go. Mother Nature offered him something to drink and snow of course asked for coke.
Snow: thanks Mother
Mother Nature: you're welcome dear. Like I said don't worry. I'm gonna go out for a couple hours will you be ok?
Snow: yes mother can I stay here at your place?
Mother Nature: of course you can. I'll be back later.

Mother Nature walks out of the house and teleports away. Then snow miser turns on the tv in the living room. Snow went on YouTube to watch videos about UTIs and other stuff. He was so worried about what was coming to him.

Snow Miser's UTIWhere stories live. Discover now