Surgery day

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The day for snow miser's surgery finally came and he was nervous as he can be. Mother Nature packs snows bag with fresh clothes and his ipad. Soon it was time to leave for the hospital. They get there and snow checks in. The front desk nurse gave Mother Nature and snow miser arm bands with their names on them.
Snow: wearing a wrist band is like wearing a watch.
Mother Nature: yes it does dear cool huh?
Snow: yeah but I'm still scared.
Mother Nature: I brought your iPad along wanna play on that to distract you?
Snow: yes mother dear.

Mother Nature gets snows ipad out of the bag and hands it to him. Snow plays on it and a few minutes later the nurse comes out.
Nurse: hi I'm nurse Jones nice to meet you.
Mother Nature: hi we are the miser family nice to meet you too.
Nurse: you must be snow miser.
Snow: yes ma'am that's me.
Nurse: is this your first time having surgery?
Snow: *nods* I'm nervous.
Nurse: it's normal to get nervous mr.snow I'll be with you every step of the way.

The nurse takes snow and Mother Nature to the pre op room. The nurse asked snow to take off his clothes but he can keep his underwear on and put on the hospital Gown. Mother Nature helped him put it on and after that the nurse checked his temperature and the rest of his vitals.
Nurse: you are doing a great job.
Mother Nature: I'm very proud of him.
Nurse: ok I'll be back with doctor John.

The nurse walks out and snow asked his mother if he can have his iPad back. She give it to him and starts to play on it. Soon the nurse came back with the surgeon. The surgeon told snow how he was gonna fall asleep for the operation they puts an iv in snows arm. Soon it was time for snow to go back to the operating room snow rode on the bed still playing on his iPad. When they got to the room the moved snow to another bed and made him comfortable. Soon the Anesthesiologist started to put the sleeping medicine into snows iv within seconds snow was fast asleep. Mother Nature was in the waiting room watching the tv. A few hours later the surgery was done and snow was takin to the wake up room. A few minutes later snow started to wake up and the first thing he saw was his mother standing next to the bed.
Nurse: hi snow miser we're all done.
Snow: already?
Nurse: yup.

Mother Nature kisses her sons forehead glad to know that the surgery went as planned. The nurse tells snow that he will have to spend a few weeks in the hospital. But will be able to go home then.

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