Doctor's Appointment

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A couple days later Mother Nature takes snow to the doctor. Snow was very nervous because he has never been tot he doctor before. When they get there Mother Nature signs snow miser in then sit in the waiting room with snow

Snow: Mother I'm scared. What are they gonna do to me?
Mother Nature: it's going to be ok dear they are just gonna check you out and see if you have a UTI or not.
Snow: oh ok I mother?
Mother Nature: yes dear
Snow: I gotta pee again.
Mother Nature: ok dear but I think the doctor is gonna have you pee in a cup. So can you hold it?
Snow: yes mother dear.

A couple minutes later the nurse calls snow's name and they walk back to the examination room.
Nurse: ok snow Miser I'm gonna ask you to take off your clothes but you can keep your underwear on and put on the robe ok?
Snow: yes ma'am.

The nurse walks out of the room and snow miser gets undressed. Mother Nature helped him get the robe on and snow day back down on the table. Soon the doctor comes in.
Dr: hello how are you doing today?
Mother Nature: we are doing good, how are you doing today dr?
Dr: I'm doing great so what brings snow miser today?

Mother Nature explains everything to the dr.
Dr: ok I'm gonna have him go pee in a cup so we can send it to the lab and then we can go from there ok?
Snow: ok dr, I gotta pee anyway.
Dr: perfect I'll be back with the cup.

The doctor leaves to get the cup for snow to pee in and comes back and gives the cup to snow.
Dr: here you go Mr.Snow just fill it to the line and you can do the rest in the toilet. When you are done just set it on the tray then we will send it to the lab.
Snow: ok thanks.

Snow miser goes to the bathroom and locks the door then walks over to the toilet and unzips his pants and starts to pee in the cup.
Snow: this feels great but hurts at the same time.

Soon snow was done and he puts the cup on the tray and walks back to the examination room.
Dr: ok I will get the sample to the lab and then we can go from there for now I will give you medicine to help you keep control of your bladder. Take it twice a day.
Mother Nature: ok thank you dr.
Dr: no problem hope you get better soon snow miser.
Snow: thank you

Snow and Mother Nature went home and snow takes his first pill.
Snow: thanks mother.
Mother Nature: you're welcome dear. I want you to stay the next few nights with me so I can monitor you just in case you need help.
Snow:yes mother dear.

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