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A month later, snow miser was finally able to go home the nurse took his iv tube out of his arm and raps his arm up. the doctor gave mother nature the discharge papers of how to take care of snow when they got home. Heat helped his brother put his regular clothes on and his shoes. Mother nature went outside and waited for her boys to come out of the hospital. A moment later heat and snow miser are walking out of the hospital snow is holding his stuffed pinguin that heat got him and they walked over to their mother's side.

Mother nature: Are you boys ready to go home?

Brothers: yes mother dear.

after those three words were said mother nature snaps her fingers and they teleport back home. Mother nature reads the instructions from the discharged papers and told her son that she wants him to stay with her for a week to monitor him. Snow miser didnt argue about it one bit he really missed his family and is really glad to be home finally. A

A few weeks later snow was able to return to his castle where his minions were waiting for him. When they saw him they were so happy that their master was finally home from the hospital. They all jumped on him but he didnt care he missed them a lot too. Heat and snow haven't fight with each other ever since. Mother nature was so happy about it and was also happy that her little snowflake was home.

The End. 

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