MRI Scan

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The day for snow misers MRI scan came fast. That morning Mother Nature woke snow up at 6:30 in the morning. The hard part for snow was that he couldn't eat or drink anything before hand.
Mother Nature: time to wake up dear.
Snow: what time is it mother?
Mother Nature: it's 6:30 am. It's time to get ready for your mri scan at the hospital.
Snow: ok fine can I eat something.
Mother Nature: I'm afraid you can't eat before hand dear I'm sorry.
Snow: but why tho.
Mother Nature: because the way you will be laying down is gonna cause you to puke if you eat and you can't have metal on you. That's because the machine has magnets in it.
Snow: oh wow I didn't know a mri machine had magnets in it.
Mother Nature: yes dear now why don't you get dressed and then we will head out ok?
Snow: yes mother dear.

Snow miser goes to the bathroom and puts his regular clothes on. Then he walks out the bathroom door and walks outside where is mother was waiting for him.
Snow: I'm ready mother dear.
Mother Nature: ok dear let's go.

Mother Nature teleports them away to the hospital. They walk in and asks where to go for the mri scans. After hearing where to go they get to the waiting area for the mri and snow signs in.
Snow: I'm so scared mother.
Mother Nature: I know it's scary dear but I promise it's going to be ok. do you want to go out for ice cream after this as a reward?
Snow: yes please.
Mother Nature: ok dear we will do that for sure.

Soon the mri nurse calls for snow and they walk back to the room. When snow first saw the machine he was scared. Mother Nature saw this and immediately went to him.
Mother Nature: snowflake it's gonna be ok it's just gonna take pictures that all.
Snow: ok mother dear.

Snow miser walks over to the machine and sits on the bed. The mri nurse helped snow gets comfortable and the nurse offered snow to watch a movie in the VR headset and snow chooses the bad guys movie. Soon snow was getting rolled into the mri machine and the process has started.

A hour later snow was done with the pictures and was able to go home. After they left Mother Nature took snow miser out for ice cream like she promised. Mother Nature got strawberry ice cream and snow got mint ice cream.
Snow: thanks mother dear for the ice cream.
Mother Nature: you're very welcome I'm proud of you.

Soon they get home and snow miser decided to take a nap.

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