Bad luck

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A few days later snow misers mri scans came back and it didn't look good. They found a ruptured in snows bladder that's why it was hurting so much when he goes to the bathroom. So pretty much snow miser will need surgery.
Mother Nature: snowflake can you come here I want to show you something.
Snow: coming mother dear. What is it?
Mother Nature: your mri scan came back and wel you have a rupture in your bladder so you will need surgery.
Snow: what you are lying... no this can't be true when is the surgery?
Mother Nature: I don't know yet dear I have to call them and schedule it.
Snow: ok mother dear.

Snow miser was horrified he was hoping it didn't have to come to this. Snow sat on the couch with tears running down his face.
Mother Nature: oh my poor snowflake it will be ok.
Snow: I didn't want to have surgery mother. What if I wake up before it's over?
Mother Nature: don't worry dear the doctors know exactly how much medicine to give you so that you won't wake up until it's all over.
Snow: yes mother dear.

Mother Nature called up to the hospital to schedule snow misers surgery. It was scheduled for Wednesday morning at 8am. Snow once again wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything.
Mother Nature: ok dear your operation is scheduled for next week on Wednesday at 8am. So we have to leave at 6:30am again.
Snow: ok mother. I'm still nervous about it tho.
Mother Nature: I know honey why don't we talk about it.

Mother Nature explains everything about the surgery. Snow started to feel a little better but not enough.

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