The Truth comes out

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My mom forced me to get a job. I thought about where i should work at when i remembered the DX. Soda and Steve will definitely give me a job there if i asked. I smiled at the thought. I really liked the boys. But one stood out. I liked Soda. But he could never feel the same way about me. I dont even feel like im pretty anyway. I pulled my blonde hair up into a messy bun and put on my clothes for the day. I put on a pair of blue jean shorts and a plaid red crop top that cross ties in the front. I left the house and decided to walk instead of drive. Its good exercise anyway.

I got to the DX a few minutes later. Its not that far from my house. I walked in and Soda and Steve were yelling at each other behind the counter. "Hey guys", i said, trying to get their attention. Their heads snapped to my direction. They both smiled and ran over to me. "Hey Belle. What brings you here?", Soda asked. "Well my mom is forcing me to get a job so i thought i could work here with you guys", i explained. If a smile could get any wider, theirs did. "Of course! Ill go get your uniform", Steve said. "No! I will", Soda insisted. They raced over to the counter to get me a uniform. Soda won and stuck his hand in the air yelling "Ha!". I giggled as he scrambled back over to hand me the uniform. "I could have gotten it myself", i said, putting the shirt on. "Its no problem Belle", he smiled. I smiled back and went to sit behind the counter.

"Alright Belle. All you have to do is ring up customers while Steve and I fix cars", Soda explained. "Ok, thanks Soda", i smiled. He smiled back and Steve glared at him. They both walked back to the garage while i started reading a magazine. A few people walked in but i continued reading my magazine. "Can you ring these up?", a male voice asked. I put the magazine down and scanned the pack of cigarettes. "Belle?", the voice asked. I looked up and it was Dally and Two-Bit. "Hey Dally! Hey Two! Whats up?", i said, twirling my hair without noticing. They both smiled at me. "Nothing much. Got a new job here?", Dally asked. "Yeah, i thought i could get a job somewhere", i said.

"Im gonna go to the lot to meet Johnny and Pony. Ill see you guys later", Two said. "Bye Two", i called to him as he left the store. "Hey Belle can i ask you something?", Dally asked. "Sure Dal", i said picking my magazine up. "Want to go on a date with me?". I froze for a minute. I liked Soda, but did i have a chance with him? "Sure Dal. When?", i answered. He looked like he about to do a dance. "Tonight at eight. Meet me at the Dingo", he said and waltzed out.

Later that night

I had gotten all nice for the date. I was going to the Curtis' to ask where the Dingo was. When i got there, i slowly walked in, not making a noise. I walked into the kitchen, leanimg against a doorway since i heard an arguement going on. "I cant believe she said yes to you! I should have talked to her sooner!". "I dont believe you Dallas". "Why did we make a stupid bet on a girl anyway. Now i lose ten dollars because of it". Then it hit me. They made a bet on me. They bet on who could get me first. Tears streamed down my face. Darry seemed to be the only one to notice me. "Umm guys...", he said, pointing at the door where i stood. All their heads turned and their faces dropped. "Wait Belle...", Soda said. I turned and ran from the house feeling the worst i have ever felt.

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