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I sat at home, eating my nasty cereal. Easton walked in and sat across from me. "Belle we have to talk", he said. I looked up. "About what?", i asked. "Mom home schooled you, but now shes gone. I want you to go to regular school, so you can get an education still. Dont try and argue with me. I just want the best for you and thats what you will do. I would really appreciate it", he said. Since we lost mom, he has had at least ten jobs. He has been really stressed.

"Ok. When do i start?", i asked. He slightly smiled. "Today would be nice. Go get ready". I slowly got up and got dressed. It wasnt anything big, just a pair of jeans and a tank top. I walked out into the living room. Easton handed me a backpack with school supplies. "You better hurry. You dont want to be late", he smirked. "Whatever", i said. I knew Easton was hurting alot. He was doing the responsible thing, but i knew he missed going to school like a normal teen. I felt bad, but now i had to go out of my comfort zone and go to regular high school for two years.

At school

I had gone to the office and figured out all that im supposed to do. I got to my locker and started to put my stuff in it when i heard an all to familiar voice. "Hey Belle!", he said, walking up to me. "Hey Pony", i said. "Where have you been. None of us have seen you in forever. Thats really not what a good girlfriend does", he rambled. Soda didnt tell them?

I cut Pony off from his rambling. "We broke up". He looked at me sadly. "That must be why Soda is so upset", he said. "No he is back with his old girlfriend so its all good", i fake smiled. "Here, come on", he pulled my arm. "Pony no!", i whined. I kinda knew what he was planning on doing.

"No Belle. We need to fix this. Your my friend and i dont like it when i cant hang with my friends. Its the end of the day anyway so we can leave", he told me. I struggled as Pony dragged me down the road to his house. I did not want to see Soda or anybody. "Pony please", i begged. "Nope", he said. I was pulled in the house and kind of pushed into the center of the room.

Everyone looked at me. "Belle! Your back!", Two-Bit yelled and jumped up to give me a hug. "Soda and Belle broke up", Pony said. Two pulled back from the hug and looked at me. I looked away, tears threatening to spill. Then all eyes went to Soda. "Why did you break up with her?", Dally asked, standing up and walking over towards me.

"She broke up with me", Soda said defensively. Then eyes were back on me. "Why did you break up with him?", Two-Bit asked. "He cheated on me with his ex", i spat. "Sandy?!", everyone asked in unison. "Yeah whatever her name is", i said. Eyes were back on Soda. "She broke your heart but then you decide to break Belles'?", Darry asked.

"She was my first girlfriend and i love her!", Soda shouted. Everyone went silent. I let a tear slide. "Thats what you told me. Can i leave now?", i asked. Darry nodded, but Pony shook his head no rapidly. "No no no. If we let her go, she wont come back!", Pony protested. "I cant believe i even accepted friendship here. And it all started from a bet. Thats when i should have known. I should have never left the house that day. Then now i wouldnt be heartbroken and my mom might not be dead!", i yelled. I rushed out the door with everyone shocked.

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