Miss Me?

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I woke up to loud noises. I remember leaving my Mommoms last night, but i dont remember much after that. I was so tired i fell asleep almost instantly. I sat up and looked around. It looked familiar. I was in Soda and Ponys room. I got up and walked into the living room where all the noise was coming from. All the guys were staring at my boys, thinking they were the most cutest thing ever.

"Miss me boys?", i asked, leaning against the doorway. All heads turned. "Belle! Your awake!", Pony yelled. He ran up to hug me, but i turned my head slightly, ignoring him. "Your not still mad at me are you?", he asked. "I dont know. What do you think?", i asked. "Im sorry", he hung his head. "I guess i forgive you", i smiled. He smiled and hugged me tightly.

I looked at the other guys who were just staring blankly at us. "Not miss me?", i asked. They groaned, having to get up and come over. I gave them all hugs but Soda, who was still on the floor with the twins. "Hey Belle. Ive been meaning to ask you. What are these boys names?", he asked, scratching his neck. "You dont know your own kids name? Thats messed up", Dallas scoffed. "Austin and Patrick", i said. "How do you tell them apart?", he asked. "Its easy", i said, walking over and sitting next to him. "Austins cuter since hes named after my family", i said, pulling my adorable baby closer. "No way. Patrick is obviously cuter if hes named after me", he bragged. "I have to go with Belle on this one. Austin is chubby and adorable", Two-Bit agreed. "Naw Patrick is definitely more tuff looking than Austin", Steve took Sodas side. "They are identical twins. They look exactly alike!", Dallas exclaimed.

"Yeah yeah. Well i got to get going", i said, getting up. "Where are you going?", Soda asked, standing up. "I told you yesterday Soda. Im gojng home to see Easton. I will sleep while you take care of the babies", i said. Before i could hear any complaints, i went outside. Even though i was tired, i ran home. I have to admit, i did miss my brother. I knocked on the door waiting for a response. A few minutes later, i knocked again. "Good god! Im comin'", my brother groaned. He opened the door and his eyes widened. "Didnt miss me enough to open the door?", i asked. "Belle! I missed you so much", he smiled.

"Great. I really want to sleep. Can i go to my room?", i asked. "Of course you can. Um... where are the um..", he stuttered. "The babies? They are with Soda", i answered. "Babies!? Soda?!", he asked. "Yes i had twins. Austin and Patrick. I left them with Soda because he brought me back from Illinois. He can feel what its like to be alone with them", i said. "I dont know Belle. I dont think its a good idea", Easton said. "He is the dad Easton. I cant just take them away", i reasoned. "Yes you can", he said. "Look we'll talk about this later. Im tired and going to sleep. Can you tell the boys to come by later? I miss them", i said. "Yeah yeah. Whatever", he said. I walked back to my bed and passed out on the couch.

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