Saturday Detention

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I started school up. No one knew about my boys. Because i was so stressed about Austin and Patrick, i ended up with a Saturday detention. I mean, just my luck. Now my Mommom has my boys and im so worried about them. I walked into school and there were five other people. Two girls and three boys. I kinda recognized them from around school, but otherwise, i havent talked to them. I sat down at the back table and stared into space. I was so bored that i didnt even notice someone trying to get my attention.

"Hey Princess?", he called over. I looked at him disgusted. I always hated nicknames. I had one name and thats what i like to be called. "What do you want?", i asked rudely. "Sassy. I like it", he smirked. "F*ck off", i said, sitting back in my seat, the legs lifting into the air. "Now thats not how you talk to someone, is it", he asked. "Leave her alone. She obviously doesnt like you", another guy said. "Thanks", i mouthed. He smiled and mouthed back your welcome. It was weird. He reminded me of Two-Bit.

"I think that she can make decisions for herself", the other boy said. "Look, do you not get it. She is not interested", a red head said. She looked nice, but i didnt lkke her. She stood up for me, but she seemed like a girly girl who complained alot. A nerdy kid looked like he was going to say something when the principal walked in. "Ok delinquents, we are gonna try something new. Your all going to write an essay about why your in here. You have about 8 hours left here. Get started", he said before walking out.

Just great. Just what i want to do on a Saturday. I hot out a pencil, but couldnt think of anything to write. "I think we should close that door", the one boy said. I didnt even glance at him. "No way Bender", the Two-Bit look alike said. "Thats school property", a nerdy boy said. Bender got up and took a screw out of the door, making it close. The whole class room but me and Allison (Shes in my science class) started arguing. The principal came in and started to yell about the door. I wasnt listening to any of it because i was focused on writing my essay.

"Hey girl", the principal said. I looked up and he was looking right at me. "Did you close the door?", he asked. "Does it look like i closed the door?", i asked. "Watch your tone missy", he scowled. He eventually left. The two boys beside the nerdy one started to argue again. I found out the one that looked like Two-Bit was named Andrew. The nerdy one is Brian. And the red head is Clare.

This day was so hard to get through. I kept trying to concentrate on my paper, but Bender kept trying to hit on me. Someone would start arguing. When the bell rung for the end of detention, i was so relieved. I rushed from the school, handing my paper to Mr. Vernon. I walked outside, happy the day was over until i looked ahead. "Soda?", i asked. My ex boyfriend was leaning against a car, timidly smiling at me.

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