All But One

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"Here let me go get someone", i said, leaving Belle alone in the room with Dallas. Before he saw it coming, i grabbed Two-Bit and shoved him in the room. He was quite startled. "Two-Bit?", Belle questioned. I smiled; Two laughed. "Ha you guys. She remembers me", he said. Belle looked confused. I opened the door and shouted, "Guys come in here!" Steve, Darry, and Johnny filed into the room. I guess Two-Bit didnt get Pony to stay.

"Oh hey guys. I didnt know you guys were here", Belle said. "That amnesia thing was quick", Two-Bit said. Everyone glared at him while i smacked him in the head. "What did he say?", Belle frowned. "Nothing. Johnny will you go get Pony. He will be happy to know the news", i whispered to him. He ran out the door, going to look for my little brother.

We all just hung out with Belle, trying to make her time in the hospital more enjoyable. The next thing i knew, Pony burst through the door. "Hey Belle", he said. "Um hi", she said. "Whats wrong?", Pony asked. "Do i know you?", she asked. Pony stepped back, fury present in his eyes. He stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I was shocked. He was the only one she still didnt remember.

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