Chrollo -Memories- 28

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    "Look at you /sister/." A dark tone speaks, wickedness laces their every word. "Such a vulnerable state to be trapped in. /Uncle/ brought me to check in on you and it looks like it might have finally worked. Soon there will be no more need of you /little sister/."
     The figure remains hooded and cloaked in shadows. His outline barely visible with the lightning. He has a lean and muscular body, but his upper shoulders are broad and rigid. I knew they would return for her but did not expect it be this quick.
     Spikes peak out along the top of the cloak, clearly apart of his being. I am not sure how I arrived here but I'm glad I'm here in time. Earlier then expected, I thought I had more time. 
     The preparation isn't nearly completed yet however my plan should still work. This so called brother of hers, reaches to touch Naru and I find his action revolting.
    However his words are daunting, "Next time you wake you won't remember anything."
     With sinister bloodlust growing, his nen radiating foul intentions, I can no longer hold myself. I launch before he touches her more intimately.
    "DO NOT DARE TOUCH HER!" From shadows, I reach to snacth my treasure away from his hand. "I dare not involve myself in family affairs but I will not idle on the sides lines and let you hurt what is mine." I pull her closer to me barely feeling her heartbeat, even her breathing is staggering.
    "Chrollo help me." Her voice cracking like glass as she reaches for my face.
     "I am here." I look down at her briefly, tears I didn't even know she could shed were rolling down her cheeks.
     She wraps her arms around my neck and cries heavily into my chest. Her body is freezing cold and tremors are rocking through her. I don't know what is going on but this can not be good.
      "You have been sleeping very distressed Yukinaru. I have come to take you away from here." I whisper to her gently "Would you like me too?"
    "Yes." She closes her eyes and her hand falls.
     "You must not take her! You are nothing but fithly vermin!" The figure steps towards me as I feel a similar presence closing in behind me.
     "I will not allow you to touch her ever again." Tightening my grip, "I will be taking her and /it/ with me." I go to open my book when I hear an unexpected voice.
     "Chrollo? How did you arrive here?" A familiar voice reaches me ears, a mere whisper.
     "Hisoka? Where are we?" I look around taking in my surroundings for the first time, still firmly intent on protecting my jewel.
     "Well ain't this a surprise." I hear another familiar voice call out loudly.
      "You are her uncle if I remember correctly. Yukinaru speaks highly of you." I nod and remain standing not letting her go.
     "And it seems she thinks highly of you. To think you drank so much she can summon you unconsciousnessly, driven by pure survival instincts I suppose." He laughs deeply, adding the building tension.
     "She frequently falls into a trance at times." Renji looks at the sleeping woman cradled against my chest, held firmly in place.
     He takes in my book as well, his eyes burning with questions as I hold it over her with my free hand. I can feel him instantly trying to assess my strength. Renji steps forward and I let my concealment fall, freezing him in his tracks.
     "Sometimes it could last for a few cycles." Renji conitues but not moving anymore, "She never remembers them, we see to that. Just hand her over Chrollo and and we will leave with her." He motions for me to let her go.
     "I will do no such thing. You will not be taking her back this time. She called me here to leave at that is what we will do."
     "Grab him-"
     Their voices tuned out as time and space warp beneath me. Bringing my treasure deep into a hidden vault, MY vault. I lay her down gently. "No one will ever find you here. Rest well Yukinaru."
     I sit stroking her hair. The faint glow of crystals lighting up the little pool where we rest. Minutes turned to hours and finally I feel her moving against me.
     "Naru? Are you awake now?" I pull her up into my arms.
     "Chrollo?" She whispers, tears pooling fresh in her eyes.
     "Yes I am still here." I wish I could understand the expression in her eyes.
    "Chrollo!" Naru cries heavily into my chest again. "It was so scary! I've never experienced anything like this ever!"   
     New emotions erupting from her. She proceeds to tell me everything about her blacken state and the odd voice and the riddles it spoke. Those need to be looked into. It sounds almost like a prophecy is hidden in there.
     "It seems I was right to take you away then." I speak up after her story was done.
    "Take me away?" She turns questioningly.
     "I was at Yorknew city with my Troupe, we had business to settle as I said before. I just finished the last assignment for the day when I was suddenly lurking in your shadow. It was such an interesting experience." I explain everything that happened carefully wording it all.
     "He was going to do what?!" She seems fully outraged.
     "Manipulate your memories it appears. Also take you away with them. I am sorry to have made an enemy out of your family, but I was not going to allow them to take you." I pull her shaking form into my arms, "They want what I made."
     Tears just flowing against me, such an odd emotion from her. My words fall on deft ears. Not knowing how to console her, I slowly lay her down and move to her side.
     "Look up." I chuckle and point up. Watching her eyes grow as she finally looked around us.

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