Yukinaru -Uncle- 13

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    My dreams are captivating, but terrifying. Memories flashing before my eyes, none of them mine. His thoughts, unexpressed feelings, suppressed instincts, forgotten lessons. I knew this would happen, at least this is the same as with my other pets. Seeing their life, learning more about them.
     I took more pain from him mentally though then I did physically. The whole of my body aches all over, there is no part of me that is spared. The wound on my side is the worst of it. I can feel it oozing out, leaving a hot trail spreading down along my side.
     Pulling from the physical state I'm in, mentally it is as if I'm living the Jester's scattered life myself now. Experiencing everything in a flash of blurred memories and broken thoughts. All so much, I can't shift through it.
     *I'm drowning!*
      I struggle to breathe, feeling the sharp pain in my side as I move and a familiar ache surfacing in my throat. My voice crackles through a layer of pressure.
     "Thristy! Give me blood, put the fire out!" I say with a rasping voice as fire burns through my lungs.
     There is an instant response, however not the one I was expecting. A familiar rough hand cups my chin, as the warm liquid flows down my throat, putting out the flames as it goes.
     "Doll you did something foolish." I hear the deep, muscular tone of my Uncle Renji. After a few more gulps, he sets the cup down.
     I feel him trailing his hand down the wound that has formed on my torso. In the same place where Hisoka was stabbed. He pulls out some black paste and slathers it all over the area.
     Watching the wound closely as his healing paste seals up the puncture. I rub my head as it throbs loudly in my ears. Seeing the tension building on my face as pain starts to awaken, my uncle speaks once more.
     "It's been less then a days time and the Zoldycks had to summon Zarin to their estate." I see my uncle shaking his head, "Somethings never change my doll."
    Pulling me into a hug, "They sent you off while I was away on a huntin job, never even got a chance to say goodbye. So I choose to come this time.. Do you want to hear about the beast I slayed?" Uncle loves to spoil me with his stories.
     My ears perked up, "Yes please."
      Putting on my best puppy eyes I could. Chuckling, he sits beside me and tells a captivating story. Pulling me under his spell.
     "I receive a mission two days before you left. I am sent to hunt down a fire beast, none other then female Flame Hounds." I take a sharp inhale and let the story paint a picture.
     "They don't normally travel in large packs you see, so I was thinkin it's gonna be an easy job. The client needed their hearts for a ritual of sorts and Flame Hounds are only a lvl 2 threat you hear."
     "Sounding simple I start my hunt in the Fire Ridge canyon, following the charred river, trying to find one of their trails." He takes a breath and gives me another sip of my drink.
     I'm hanging on every word just as I did when I was still young. He chuckles softly as I urge him to continue. "After a few good strides, I spot the largest hound I ever did see sitting across the bank! The flames billowing from her nostrils a bright teal blue, golden red flames dusting the air as she moves her body forward. I can tell she sensed me. Them hounds are clever little buggers. Sharp senses and all."
     "Uncle how could you tell it was a female? They all look the same to me." I ask quickly.
     "That's easy child, the smell gives them away. Males smell of sulfur but the females have no smell. You need to pay attention more when hunting next time."
    Scolding me lightly he continues, "She starts to creep forward believing I haven't noticed. I keep my eyes on her every movement. The fire on their body doesn't compare to the fire they breathe. Their breath fire is incredibly hot, melting anything that it touches nearly instantly." Waving his hands about, as if putting flames out.
     Pointing to me he continues. "When hunting hounds make sure the mouth is pointing away from you, Yukinaru."
     Waving his calloused finger at my face, "A pup can't bite you if you aren't facing teeth. A lesson I should have long learned."
    Uncle Renji shakes his head at his own foolish mistake. "I let her close the distance, still keeping my focus on her. I was too focused actually on the teeth you see, that I didn't notice the pack behind me creeping closer. And *WHAM!!!*" Uncle slammed his hands together making me jump up, stiffling a shriek.
    "And that's when one of the bastards took a bite right out me leg." Liftin his pant leg, showing me the faded marks.
     "Took me by complete surprise! 6 of them chomping away. Trying to get a taste of your dear old uncle. I kicked a few away, momentarily stunning the poor pups. The female I been watching lunges for my neck. Seizing my chance, I plunge my hand into her chest just as her fangs grace my skin."
     He takes a deep breathe once more, "Pulling from her the first heart I need to collect. The client only needed 3 but with the leading hound dead, the remaining ones fall into choas. They lash out, fighting not just me but each other now! With no choice, I ended up slaughtering the whole damn lot of them. I didn't mean to be so careless, didn't need that many hearts. But boy did it ever teach me to be so focus on teeth. Learn something new every hunt, I tell you."
     He laughs hard at this, "My poor client ended up in debt with one hunt!! Each heart is quiet expensive. Made the family a good chunk there."
     I sit still memorized in his tale. "So it was a pack of females? Is that how they got the jump on you?" I ask intrigued.
     "Curious thing is that they were! Completely new behavioral pattern! The females tend to be loners and it's the males the travel in packs. Cheeky devil probably learned a few tricks. The blue flames are proof of her age."
     I look at him waiting for more of an explanation. "Like with most creatures, it's easy to tell age. For the hounds, the more vivid their flames the older they are. Blue flames burn the hottest and only a hound thats made it over the age of 100 can have them."
      "Do we have a tell for our age?" I was never told if there was one.
     "Little doll, if you need to ask then you don't need to know yet. In time, with more experience, you'll be able to guess our ages accurately. In no way am I gonna mess up that betting pool." I watch the lines on my uncle face crease as his laughter booms from his chest.
     "Awww, that's no fair! Just alittle hint, please?" I put my hands together and quiver my upper lip.
     "Not happening kiddo. I got good money on you. Just do figure it out before your 200th cycle." He messes my hair with his hand. "Now then, feeling better?"
     I didn't even realize the pain has ceased. Even my head has stopped pounding. "Yeah, actually I do!" I smile up at him.
     "Good. Stop saving yer pets like that. There are better ways to neutralize our poison-"
     Cutting him sort, "But it wasn't the poison I was neutralizing, Lord Kenji used his personal knife he carved."
     "The black dragon talon?" Uncle raises an eyebrow.
     "Yeah. It was animal cruelty I tell you. I think he is just mad that we mated." I fold my arms and huff, "He just wanted to see how far I would go to save him, I bet you. And now he will know not to mess with Hisoka."
     "Still a very foolish thing todo outside of our territory Yukinaru. If ya break the rules again, it'll be your elder brother who comes next time." Uncle Renji has a serious tone and an icy threat lacing his words.
     Shuttering at the hidden meaning "I will not act rashly again Uncle."
     Satisfied with his threat being understood he stands, "I brought you alittle something from home."
     Reaching into his thick animal coat he pulls out a bag. "Oh yes, this here is a new dress for you. Picked it out myself on the way over. It'll suit you better then that red one. No taste in style still."
     Laughing once more he reached to his other side, "And this little kitten will do well beside you."
      "Uncle Renji!! Is that a batcy cat?" Squealing I reach for the shadow kitten, "I love him! Hmmmm I think I'll name you Haiji."
     "I knew you would like him. Picked him up floating off shores by Mimbo. Poor little fellow found himself quite the mess."
    Taking on a more serious tone, my uncle addresses me, "Yukinaru you taken alot more damage then normal."  
     "You aren't supposed to do a whole body revival like that. You are lucky it was I who came to tend to you. Watch yourself my little doll, I don't want to see you drown." He fuddles around in the chair causing it to creak painfully.
     "Never forget that you are a worrisome girl." The chair sounds in severe disarray as he moves around again.
     "I care for you as well Uncle, I won't cross that line again. I honestly only did it cause of Father's knife. Originally my intention was to just nulify the poison and let him recover with his own strength. I didn't realize soon enough what blade the Lord used. By then it was suckin-" I begin to defend my actions but he cuts me off.
     "Hence why yer brother didn't come. Your reason is valid and ya acted accordingly, just not again." He readjusted in his spot, "These damn sitting stools aren't ment for beings like me."
     Standing up, he makes his way to the empty court yard taking me with him.
   "You make that mess over there?" Pointing to the gaping hole and pile of rumble.
     Bashfully I own up, "I came here following the tug of Hisoka. I ended up getting alittle irrational and punished him before taking note of our surroundings." I look at the ground, kicking a stone over.
     "Doll, always punish your pets at home. It's not fair to involve others when your pup shits on the floor." He steps further away from the house.
     "Sometimes Uncle Renji, I have absolutely no clue what you are saying." I sigh "Haiji, come!" Calling to my new batcy cat. He settles into my shadow, knowing what my uncle wants todo.
     "Well that being said," he turns and looks behind me. "Master Silva it has been a pleasure but we will be taking our leave now." Uncle turns and pulls me into his jacket.
     "Uncle you don't mean to seriously-"
     "*Swoosh*" the ground instantly vanishes from sight. Looking around, he shot us straight into the sky drifting over the clouds.
     His massive black wings stretching out. The glint of scales catching the stars shine. Truly a beautiful set of wings, I feel envy and sad at the same time.
     "Don't be so glum now doll. You'll mature and get your own set of black wings. When was the last time we flew together? For now enjoy this, I don't know when I'll see you again."
I smile at my uncle, "Where are we going?"
     "Isn't that obvious? To train that hound of yours properly before I head back to our territory." And just like that he begins to soar beneath the moon with the stars as his wings.
     "Yukinaru, you stay out of this here talkin to. Understand?"
     I can feel is eyes in the back of my head. "Yes, Uncle Renji." I fear for my pets life once more.
     Uncle Renji's talking to is more equivalent to extreme training and they are brutal. I rub a spot on my back unconsciousnessly, as I shutter at my last talking to.
     "So where abouts is this hound of yours anyway?" He ask questioningly.
     "He said he would be at the arena waiting for me so we could have an actual discussion and that was days ago." I fumble a bit more then I wish too.
     "Oh, that fightin place the family was goin on about? It should be somewhere around here then." He tilts to the left hurtling forward, towards a faint glow in the distance.
     Feeling a tug getting stronger, "Uncle," I point him dowwards. "He is down there, directly below us now."
There is a massive building beneath us.  
     I can feel my uncle looking for a secluded spot to land. Noticing a darken alley to the back of the towering building, I point him down jumping from his cradle style grip.
    Landing gracefully for once, I look up to see a man staring at me, we lock eyes immediately. Such a pleasant feeling emits from his gaze. His eyes were a shade of silver and purple, and held a certain appeal in them. A near reflection of mine, empty and lost.
     Promptly looking away, he appears to be a young man with jet black hair hanging down around his face. I notice a headband covering his forehead and a pair of blue orb-shaped earrings. He is wearing a dark royal purple leather trench coat, with the edges lined with almost pure white fur
     He left his shirt unbuttoned, revealing part of his muscular body. My eyes follow the outlines of his exposed chest, he clearly works out and this strange man has such an alluring fragrance lingering around him.
     *He looks yummy.* Thinking to myself as I straighten fully up. Not long after my uncle walks up behind him, looking at me.
     "What are you looking at over there?" Uncle calls out as the stranger holds my gaze.
     "Merely watching a star drift down from the sky." The stranger responds before I have a chance too. The way he speaks is so reminiscent of Hisoka, he takes my hand into his as he continues to speak.    
      "Hello, I am Chrollo Lucilfer and I'm going to assume you are a friend of Hisoka's?" Bowing slightly, he kisses the back of my hand and steps back, "Enjoy your fights here. I have a feeling I will be seeing you again soon." And just like that he disappears.
     "Well what do ya know, I guess you weren't joking when trouble just seems to find you here. That guy is a true hunter little doll. Gives me the creeps like those damn spiders back home." A shutter ripples his body, "Best watch your step around him." My uncle gruffs loudly, leading me to the end of the alley.
     "So, how do you call your pup?" He looks at me curiously.
     "Well," I unleash my bloodlust, letting my killing intent wash over the building. "This usually works wonders." I conceal once more after a few seconds.
     Hisoka's response is instant and my uncle buffs up quick after feeling the Jester's answer, "That's your pup Yukinaru!?"
     "Ye..ah..?" I say tentatively.
     "That ain't no damn pup, that's a bloodly full grown hound! You dancing with a fight around that one too! Just like you to keep a predator as a pet." He rolls his eyes.
     "No, to be a predator you'd have to pose a threat to your prey. Isn't that right my dear Yuki ♡~." Seeing him after everything, a sensation I can't describe moved my body forward.
     "Jester!" Before I realize what I did, I am already landing into his embrace.
     "Why, how crass as usual little flower ♡~, surprising me each time we meet." Hisoka coos into my ear setting me down.
     "Now who is this fellow that holds one of your leashes? He looks the same as Kenji." I look up at Hisoka in shock as he speaks these words.

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