Chiscara ~ 🩷 ~ Pt.2/2

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Childe POV

"These hallways are so hard to navigate.. ugh..." I said as I wandered my way around, trying to find my room. I don't even remember the room number.. how am I supposed to take a nap if I don't have a bed?! I walked around for a few more minutes, just opening and knocking on random doors, hoping to find the room I and scaramouche were sharing.

After about 10 minutes of wandering, I managed to find the room at last!
I knocked on the door, waiting for scaramouche to open it.
"You're finally here. You took long. What were you doing?" Scaramouche said as he slowly opened the door.
I was greeted with the sight of scaramouche wearing a towel around his waist and his wet hair. I'm pretty sure I turned as red as a tomato when I saw him. "uh- you sick or something? You're all red.." scaramouche said as he slightly tilted his head and raised his left eyebrow, clearly confused.

"I'M COMPLETELY FINE!" I say as I rush in the room, pushing scaramouche aside and jumping onto the bed like a little kid. Scaramouche just closed the door and went towards the bathroom to change into his normal attire. He slowly sighed and directed his gaze at me. "Don't get into bed without taking a bath," he said as he went into the bathroom to change. I ignored what he said and just laid back and tried to sleep. "It hasn't even been an hour since this ship departed... yet I still feel bored..." I said in a low voice as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ •
Scaramouche POV

That ginger is so unpredictable and random sometimes... he's so stupid but cute at the same time. "That ginger is good for nothing. I need to snap out of this, " I said as I leaned against the bathroom door and sighed, trying to calm down my racing thoughts about him. "Why do I feel this way..." I stood up properly and opened the bathroom door.

"You can take a bath now, chi-" I stopped in the middle of my sentence... that ginger fell asleep without taking a bath even when I told him to. I sighed, clearly tired, I may be a puppet, but I still need sleep like any other ordinary mortal- I don't understand why people think just because I'm a puppet I can't have emotions or a routine similar to mortals.

What would I even achieve by complaining about this stuff? I turned off the light and turned on a small lamp beside the couch, I took the notebook and pen which was on the desk before I entered the room. I decided to write some sort of a diary to pass my time since it was only 10:50 and I have a habit of sleeping around 12... so here I am, writing a stupid diary to pass my time.

/ Time skip ~ 30 minutes /

Ugh... It's so hard to focus when someone is sleeping nearby... "he didn't even do anything productive today... why is he so tired.." I said as I closed the notebook and got up to turn off the lamp beside me

It's 11:21 now... I'll just sleep early, I guess... before I lay down in bed, I wanted to check up on childe. I walked over to his side of the bed and bent down to his face level. His face was covered with his hair, I placed my right hand over his forehead to check for a fever. "He doesn't have one..."I let out a small exhale, glad he doesn't have a fever. I moved a few strands of his hair from his face to see his face a bit more.. His hair is... quite soft... huh..

I need the shampoo this ginger uses fr.

After a few minutes of playing around with his hair, I got up and walked over to my side of the bed, "I should probably sleep on the couch... just to maintain my distance from him." I thought i turned away from my side of the bed and sat down on the couch nearby. "*sigh* wonder when we'll reach sumeru..." I was now laying on the couch while staring at the ceiling.

I was trying to get into a comfortable position on the couch to sleep. "This couch is so shitty." I said as I gave up trying. It was getting colder... I could feel it. "snezhnayan sea.. the coldest place known to mankind..." I brought up my legs to my chest to keep my body warmth.

"Fuck it's cold." I said in a pretty loud voice not caring about the sleeping person In the room. I exhaled slowly and tried to sleep.

~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ •
Childe POV

"Fuck it's cold." I heard a similar voice... scaramouche? It's definitely his voice.. and he's cold? Isn't he a... whatever... forget it. I waited for a while until I couldn't hear any noise. I heard some soft breathing coming from the other side of the bed. I slowly turned around, still wrapped in the blanket i put on before sleeping.

Took me a whole ass minute to turn around without making any noise. My eyes immediately landed on scaramouche's closed eyes. I slowly got up, still trying to make no noise. "He's.. sleeping?" I'm 101% sure that this guy isn't a puppet now. I managed to crawl like a baby to the other side of the bed to get a better look at him.. just to make sure he wasn't just dead..

"im stupid as fuck. He's a puppet - HE CANT BREATHE." I screamed into my blanket (still trying to keep my volume down) after I was done having a mental breakdown. I got up from bed and sat down in front of the couch to see scaramouche's face.. "I swear - I heard his voice like 2 minutes ago, and he's now sleeping? He sleeps quickly..."

I noticed the position scara was sleeping in.. he's cold... at that moment, I realised this room only had 1 blanket "damn I feel bad for taking the whole blanket.. but what do I do now- I'll be cold as well if I don't have a blanket..." I tried to think of something."Oh right - I have a scarf in my bag - I'll use that for myself and give the blanket to scara.."

I got up from the floor and went over to my bag to get a scarf for myself. I kept the scarf beside my pillow and went over to scara.. "How am I supposed to give him the blanket without waking him up.." A few minutes of just standing and thinking I thought of gently picking him up and placing him on the bed.. that way, his back won't ache when he gets up tomorrow.

"I have no other option, I guess." I bent down a little, placing my right arm underneath his knees and my left arm underneath his shoulder. I adjusted my hand and arm positioning for a while until I was ready to lift him up carefully. "Wow.. he's pretty light." It was like I was holding a bowl of grapes.. he's so petite and light. (*Kawaiiii!!~*)

I didn't even realise I was staring at his face... he looks so vulnerable. Then I saw I was holding him bridal style... "kdrama moment, lmao." I was trying to hold back my laugh as I gently placed him onto his side of the bed. I put on the blanket on him and went towards my side to sleep. "This scarf won't do, man."

For a split second, I thought of sharing the blanket. "He won't mind if we just keep our distance, right...?" I slowly drifted to his side and took only a small part of the blanket to myself. "This should do for the night," I said as I slowly went back to sleep again.

~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ •
Scara POV

I felt someone gently pick me up.. bridal style? I was asleep until someone picked me up. I didn't mind since I was extremely tired, but I knew who it was.. childe. I felt his hair graze my face for a second while he picked me up. So I knew I was safe. He just stood there for a minute, probably regreting life's decisions - he placed me down in the bed and placed a... Blanket over me?

This ginger is so stupid sometimes.. - he can't sleep in the cold as well as I can. I felt him tug on the other side of the blanket... i stayed in my position for a while until I was sure he was asleep. I opened both my eyes slowly, observing my surroundings. My eyes landed on childe cuddling in a small part of the Blanket. "He's such an idoit.." I thought. I moved over to his side. Our bodies were pretty close now.. I dragged the blanket towards his side to cover both of us properly.

I pushed myself up a little bit to get to his face level. *I love playing with his hair so much...* i thought as I moved his hair off his face. I could see his face clearly now. I crept closer to him. Our bodies were basically touching,
I placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, "Goodnight Cutie."
I said before I snuggled into the blanket, trying to sleep again.

~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ •
ALRRR THATS THE END! it's not that good, but I hope ya'll liked it, tbhhh!!
Anyway! I love u and bye! <3

Words- 1591

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