Chapter Seven

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      Ava held onto Tabitha, the latter had been trembling and didn't notice it, Ava calmed her with some soothing words while rubbing her lower back, she would never understand pregnant women and their mood swings. Tabitha hesitated before she began explaining her experience with Zaiah, Ava was so easy to talk to even though she was a stranger… or so she thought,  which made her feel safer. She didn't mind the judgement or critics that would come out of her mouth, she was just so glad she could finally open up about it.
    "Why haven't you told him?" Ava asked. Tabitha gave her a shrug before stating that he had moved on with his life and she didn't want to pin him down with her situation. "You have a good heart, but the world doesn't care for those with good hearts, they can tell when someone has a good heart and then they destroy it. Alexandra is a perfect example". The mention of her mother's name changed her countenance, she just realised that she knew nothing about her mother, she had just putting up a facade and trying to be strong for her. A tear made its way down her face as she quickly wiped it off, she thought of her unborn child and how disappointed he or she was going to be in her. She wasn't cut out to be a mother, her own mother was going through a lot and she didn't even understand why, how was she supposed to raise a child with all the lies going on in her life.
      "I don't think I can raise this child Aunt Ava, I am not cut out for the work. What if i turn out to be like my mum? Non-chalant, caring more about social standards than my child and not even making out time to just be by his or her side. And one day it turns out that I am nothing like that and I want them to stay away from me for their own good, and they grow without receiving any love from me". Ava eyes watered as Tabitha expressed herself, she couldn't blame the young lady who had never understood the importance of love in her life and didn't know how to react when receiving it. It reminded her of her childhood, she had been tagged as the black sheep of the family, and her twin sister Ayla was the good one, she recalled every advice Alexandra had given her and the love she had shown towards her when Ayla died, it was the most disheartening period in her life and she shut out every soul and hers from receiving love and help, but Alexandra persisted and prevailed, she embraced the death and moved on with life. It was her turn to reciprocate the favour but now, to her niece.
     "You are not alone Tabitha, and that is what you need to understand now. You have a family, You and I. What happened in the past matters no more, and you know why? It is because you get to choose the life you want to live. I understand that you might be having some mixed feelings about your mother, but I can assure you, everything she did was for you and I know she'd do it again without hesitation. That's a mother's love." Tabitha couldn't comprehend what Ava had just said but it sounded comforting and she let it comfort her. She needed to be away from everyone and find herself, who she really is and what she wanted to do.
     "I'll go and prepare a bed for you, if you get too hungry or start craving anything before I get back, there's food in the fridge" Ava said in conclusion as she headed up the stairs. Tabitha walked into the kitchen and helped herself to some frozen chicken and fried rice, she heated it up in the microwave and sat to think. There was a reason why David was after her and her mother already confirmed that, she wasn't his child. The main thought bothering her, was why she didn't come along with them this afternoon. She tried to put the pieces of the puzzle before her together but it ended at a dead end. The timer went off and she pulled out her dinner, the chicken was well cooked and it tasted heavenly, she let the feeling linger for a moment before Ava interrupted her.
    "Your bed is ready, there's hot water running now so you better use it before it gets cold. If you need anything else, use this to reach me" She handed her a new iPhone 13 and Tabitha's eyes grew in bewilderment. She always got what she wanted, when she needed them but her parents were so keen on giving her flashy things, she was not like the other rich kids at school with designer bags, shoes or clothes. She had what she needed to be comfortable but not the luxury. "My old phone was an iPhone 7, daddy… David thought it was useless to gift me expensive things at a young age and only gave me less attractive things". She accepted the gift and thanked Ava repeatedly.
    "You live with me now, so things will change from now on. In the meantime, I want you to relax and take some time off school work. You know you wouldn't be able to attend school anymore until you have had your child, use this period to relax and find something resourceful to do". Tabitha stabbed at her chicken in anger, she was angry at herself. She was the reason everything was so out of place and she wished it could all go away. Ava pulled the fork from her hand quickly and looked at her in terror. "Are you trying to learn how to kill someone? You should direct all that energy and tension to something else, the chicken just wants to be eaten" Tabitha chuckled at the comment. Ava was right, she needed to direct her attention towards something else but she had no clue on what she wanted to do, the only thing bugging her was to find the real truth behind her mum's sudden change of heart and who her real father was.

Dear Species ✨️,

I was thinking, good friends = good books right? 😂

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Lots of love

Thatspecie ❤️

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