Chapter eleven

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"This is so boring," I said in annoyance looking up at the ceiling, sitting on an old, broken desk.

"SUSH KIMBERLY!" Mrs. Lydia huffed half asleep laying at her desk. Once her head hit her desk I slowly, quietly got up and grabbed my bag and headed for the door. Trying to open it so I don't wake her and close it behind me the same way, running for the school's front doors and calling Spencer at the same time.


"Spencer, come to the school right now!"

"Uh- ok?" I hung up the phone before he could ask why or he could question me. After waiting for a long time Spencer finally came, I got in and told him to follow the truck that was pulling out of the school's parking lot. We followed Derek's truck for a while until he started to go in weird directions, going down strange side streets. I think Derek knew we were following him because he took us to an abandoned road where no one drives by, he parked his truck on the side of a ditch so we stopped behind him. He waited a bit but Derek got out and he...has a BASEBALL BAT! Power walks over to Spencer's car and swings the bat hitting it on Spencer's side window and smashing it, Spencer freaks out and wraps himself around me to try and protect me from all the shards cutting my and Spencer's face and chest.

I got out of Spencer's car and ran into the ditch on the side of the vehicles, hoping he didn't see me, on my way to the ditch I looked in his truck. I could see that he left the school early to try and get rid of any more evidence he had and didn't want me or anyone to find it. Swinging the bat again at Spencer's face but getting out of the car and only hitting the car door.

"Hey woah woah, chill man," Spencer put his hands up in surrender.

"DO NOT TELL ME TO CHILL," swinging the bat once again at Spencer hitting him in the side hitting just under his ribs, Spencer fell to the ground after the excruciating blow. I called the cops from the ditch and then my mother, I left her the address, I got up and Derek saw me.


"I know what you did Derek!"

"Oh and!?"

"Killing me won't get her any closer to you, I'm telling you that right now."

"It happened once, your father was just one piece of this fine puzzle."

"I called the cops Derek, they're coming and so is she."

"You did not?" not believing me. I came up to the cars but he tried to hit me in the head with the bat so I quickly ran back down.

"Derek! Enough, drop the bat," we all hear sirens in the distance but still far enough where they don't know what is going on, my mother pulls up behind Spencer's smashed-up car.

"What the HELL is going on here!?" My mom comes down into the ditch grabbing me and then my face, looking at the glass cuts on my face and chest, my mom and I look at Spencer who is on the ground bleeding holding his bottom ribs then my mom looks at Derek who has a spender bloody bat in his grasp.

"Your daughter needs to go to Lina," Derek says super calmly as if he has done nothing wrong.

"Excuse me? At first, I agreed with you because I thought you were joking but now I've come to realize that you are not joking, and my daughter is not going anywhere" My mother is completely disgusted with him.

"Only I need you," my mom held me in her arms reassuring me that I'd be ok, letting me go and going up to the road to try and reason with Derek, I grabbed my mom's wrist, "be careful mom," my mother nodded.

Lina tried to grab the bat out of his hand but he swung it back and hit her in the lower back, she fell to the ground, Spencer got up holding his side, Derek dropped his bat and punched him in the face not allowing Spencer to do anything, leaving him with a bloody lip. Me hiding in the ditch so I don't get hurt. I'm the first one who sees the cops coming up behind Derek.

The cops get out, run and grab Derek's arms and push him to the ground putting him in handcuffs. My mom gets up and runs down to me crying.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you," The officer says as he picks Derek up and puts him in the squad car.

"I'm never letting you go, I'm so sorry I never believed you," letting my mother grab my dirty, bloody face.

"It's ok mom," hugging her back tightly, a cop comes down to get us, bringing us up to the ambulance that was also called for safety reasons. I sat there in the back of the ambulance as they cleaned up the crime scene and the EMT started asking us questions.

"Where is your pain?" I pointed to all the cuts from the glass. Spencer held his side and my mom told them it was her back.

"Does the pain go anywhere else?" I said "no," but my mom said it hurts in her tailbone, Spencer just pointed to his ribs.

"How bad is the pain from 1 meaning not that bad and 10 meaning you need medical help now?"

"2," I say. I'm not in a whole lot of pain.

"7," my mother tells the EMT.

"9," Spencer holds his ribs once again in major pain.

"Ok, i'll take all of you and get you the medical help you need, hop in," we all got in the ambulance and headed to the hospital.

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