Chapter two

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"Gena comes here, I have something you're gonna like," waving her over from the other side of the washroom.

"Is that what I think it is!?"

"Mhm," I smile and nod in her direction.

"Kimberly Kane, you are the best human in the world."

"No, I'm not," I laughed and rolled my eyes, handing it to her.

"Oh trust me you are," Gena smiled at me like I just got her a pony and then snatched the blunt from my hand, attempting to light it but burned herself which caused her to yelp and fling the lit blunt into the trash to which quickly caught fire - in the haste of our panic I dumped my water bottle onto the open flame and it successfully went out, not without leaving the all too familiar stench in the air, scared of being caught we both ran from the bathroom crashing into a teacher in our escape. We hoped she wouldn't recognize the smell, though evidently, she did.

"H-hi Mrs. Lydia," I spoke calmly, trying to smile as genuinely as possible but She sniffed, scrunched up her nose like she had smelled something rotten, a frown now present on her features, "are you two trying to get the smoke alarm to go off?" she interrogated, "what is the matter with the two of you? Not only smoking but almost taking the school down with you!"

"Look, Mrs. Lydia, you were a teenager once too right- you know how it is," Gena spoke up quickly, attempting to charm the teacher who wasn't budging.

"Yeah, have a heart," I said, holding a wad of cash in front of Mrs. Lydia. In many cases, this wouldn't work, But Mrs. Lydia didn't in many cases. With a huff, Mrs. Lydia snatched the money from my hand with haste before counting it in her hands, "go to class," she snapped.


"Of course, that's how you know, she took the cash and told you anyway!" I huffed now feeling betrayed, "what a waste of cash."

"She took the money? Never mind that isn't the point Kim," he shook his head at me "What you're doing here is not good."

"Listen ok, you need to lighten up, I didn't want to get in trouble so I paid her off to keep her mouth shut, is that so bad?" I looked down at his desk and saw something. I thought I saw my mom's name pop up on his phone but I quickly ignored it because he interjected.

"Yes, but I'm giving you a warning for now because I have to leave, not that you need to know but I'm going on a date, have a good rest of your day Kimberly," he said my name like it was a mission, fixing his dinner jacket and grabbing his phone, "now get out of my office and get to class."

"Uh, ok? So that's it, no suspension, detention?"

"Now kim!" He pointed to the door so I got up and left his office extremely confused. One minute he looked like he was ready to throw me and then calmed right down like a switch in his brain. He shied away like I simply was a witness to something. I mean not like I'm complaining or anything but, still. My mother was waiting for me outside of the office and so was Gena, I guess she decided to come back.

"Did you get in any trouble?" Gena asked.

"No, actually, I didn't." saying super confused.

"Really?" surprised she said, "That's weird because he hates you." Which is true he does but that isn't the point of the matter. Why did he just shew me away like that?

"Hmmm," my mother grunted beside Gena like she wanted me to get in trouble or maybe it was something else but if it was something else, what was it?

"I think the principal likes you, Mom, the look he gave you said it all," I said snarkily knowing damn well my mother hated when I was a smart ass.

"Yeah I-" she tried to explain herself, on behalf of the principal but I quickly said, "Whatever Lina, I know something is up because he should have gotten me in trouble, because like Gena said "he hates you" but he didn't and I know damn well it's because of you." My mom stayed silent the whole way home, I rolled my eyes at her getting out of the car.

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