Chapter four

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I woke up with a start and realized I wasn't in my own bed, I was in Wils? I heard soft footsteps coming down the hallway before he poked his head through the door awkwardly realizing that I was awake.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I wake you?" Wil said, grabbing a hoodie from his closet.

"Did we?" I thought we had done something last night at the party to end up here, me, in his bed but thank god, we didn't because his reply made me so sure of it.

"God no, oh...gosh I'm sorry I didn't mean to make that seem to mean I were sleeping and it just made it easier to come back here you know?" not telling me about the mysterious truck that he spotted in the driveway.

"Oh alright, I understand but I should be going."

"Ok, I'll drive you home to make sure you're safe."

"Thank you so much Wil, you're the best." giving him a hug.

"Of course, don't tell my sister though." I lifted my head up to look at him, "Tell her what? That I slept in your bed?" I let go of him and sat back on his bed.


"Yeah..ok- sure," ignoring the awkward exchange and making my way to the door, grabbing my belongings on the way.

We got in his car and I asked him out of confusion, "what happened last night?" It's weird how I don't remember because I never had a single drop of alcohol, unlike everyone else at the party, referring to Gena.

"You came to the party and found Gena kissing Spencer and you freaked and ran out, I saw you and came after you and I took you to my house and let you sleep over because you were hysterical," Wil never lies to me so I believed him, only because I don't think he knows I like Spencer and for what he told me, today isn't going to be fun because I have 3 classes with Spencer, I just wanted to curl up in a ball and disappear.

After a long drive, we finally arrived at school. I got out of Wils car and walked inside. Listening to my teachers jabber on about things I could care less about, it was finally lunch and tried to avoid people so I went to the library but regrettably, Spencer found me quite quickly and seeing him made me want to break into tears because everything from last night came back all at once like a slap in the face, Spencer sat in the armchair right in front of me, leaning towards me he says "Kim, we need to talk," trying to ignore him he "hey give that back"- snatched the book I had in my hand and tried to talk to me. I have to admit that was kind of attractive but that wasn't the point, I was supposed to be mad at him.

"I know that me saying sorry won't fix anything but-" he was sincere but I didn't care.

"So then don't," I snapped at him, crossing my arms.

"Listen, Kim, ok, I know Gena messed up but you have to forgive her."

"Should I? Why do I HAVE to? Why do you even care if I make up with her anyway."

"Because first of all, you've been friends forever- second I don't like her like that and she was drunk, you know how she is."

"You both knew I liked you Spencer and still happened, and it hurts- but you don't get it, anyways I didn't see you fight it. And plus it's not my fault that she's a horny spaz"

"No, no... I get it because I like you too which is why you need to know that it was a mistake," Spencer took my hand, and I pulled it back.

"Kimberly, please forgive me, please! I like you and I know I messed up," Spencer grabbed my hand again and lifted me to my feet, hugged me, and I pulled away.

"Fine...I forgive you, but there is one tiny little condition."

"What is it?"

"Can I be your girlfriend? If you really like me as much as you say, you do" I looked at him with an innocent smile, he looked my face up and down and suddenly, totally unexpected, we kissed- the whole library went silent in discomfort, people were staring but Spencer's hands were on my jawline, he didn't care and quite frankly I didn't care either. The world went away for a moment before we separated.

"I need you to know that no one is going to take you away from me Kimberly."

"So was that a yes!?" We both shared a smile and giggled before Spencer nodded in happiness.

"Yes, does this mean you forgive me Kim?"

"Yeah, I guess so." rolling my eyes at him laughing, we walked out of the library with our arms in a link laughing at each other.

The end of the day came fast after lunch. I took the bus home and saw a weird truck in the driveway, if I'm not mistaken I'm pretty sure I've seen that truck before but not thinking anything of it. I went up my porch stairs and opened the door. Shock struck my body like that truck in the driveway when I saw my mother and...MR. LEACH! My principal and MY MOM kissed each other on the couch. Well, I WAS happy.

"Oh hell no," I turned right around and slammed the door behind me but as soon as I tried to walk away the door opened again and a strong grip was on my wrist.

"Kimberly, do not leave..please" my mom pleaded to try and make me stay, I turned back around nodding giving in to her regrettably and walked back inside with a disgusted look on my face. I sat on the couch that I caught them kissing on, looking at him with disgust as he put his shirt back on.

"Why!?" I said suddenly in anger towards my mother, who is leaning against the armchair beside the couch.

"After your dad passed Kim, he was the one who was there for me," trying to keep my eyes calm instead of rolling them every time she speaks to me.

"He was there for you but were you there for me? No...? That's what I thought!" I got up and was at the bottom of the staircase before she said "Kim...please you have to understand."

"This isn't your mom's fault Kim." he tried to make things better but his voice got me even more upset.

"Listen ok, I'm tired and I can't deal with this right now, you leave and you go... somewhere else, anywhere but here. I'm going to have a nap," there was no way she was going to get me on board with this relationship, I went upstairs to my room and slammed my door behind me and flopped on my bed, I screamed into my pillow in frustration the weight of all the stress planting me on my bed like a bunch of bricks, despite that I rolled over on my bed and decided to get up, walk to my window and use the tree outside to climb out.

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