Chpater six

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I ran out into the street behind the big bunch of trees in my backyard. "Kim-" My mom opened my bedroom door hoping I would be sleeping but soon realized I was gone. She gave the door a look like she was going to kill me the next time she saw me and slammed it behind her storming down the stairs, grabbing her coat and van keys while I was walking down 6th Avenue, trying to forget about everything I had just seen.

I heard a horn honk behind me, I jumped but it was my mom trying to pick me up and bring me back home, she rolled her van window down "get in, now!"

But I was angry and didn't want to be in any way close to her at all, "No!" me refusing and continuing to walk, turning down 7th avenue and ignoring her as I go.

"Kimberly please, we need to talk about this," turning into the driveway in front of me and parking her van. Scoffing loudly, I got in her van, got my buckle on and slammed the van door.

"Was that necessary Kim?"

Ignoring her completely I just went straight to the point, "Why Mom? Why now and Why him? MY principal of all people."

"I had to move on sooner or later honey."

"So the day I got in trouble, it wasn't to see me it was to see him wasn't it?" My moms' phone buzzed, it was Derek asking her where she had gone. Ignoring what I said, she asked, "Can you check that for me hun?" My mom was too focused on the road and didn't want to get distracted, so I grabbed it and unlocked it. It was easy to unlock because it was my birthday, 08, 11, and 04.

Derek: Where did you go, baby? I answered for my mother and just put, "Picked up Kimberly," curious I scrolled up on their conversation or rather more, their conversations.

Derek: I'm going to come over, I have a great surprise for you. - April 2nd, a week before my dad passed.

I didn't know they had known each other for that long, I scrolled up for a bit until something caught my eye.

Derek: don't worry baby, your husband won't be here for long. I took my phone out and quickly took a photo.

"Mom..what is this?" I showed her the conversations I found on her phone scrolling up, pulling into our driveway she snatched her phone from my hand and got out of the van.

"That isn't what you think it is Kimberly, get inside or you're going to be grounded," getting out of the van and slamming the door in anger I yelled, "YOU CHEATED ON HIM, DIDN'T YOU?!"

"No, of course not."

"Did he kill him...?"

"Kimberly calm down..."

"YOU KNOW WHAT NO, I WILL NOT 'CALM DOWN'...what is wrong with you?" The hatred in my voice is getting stronger.

"Get inside now Kimberly, I'm not speaking again," my mother walks up the porch and opens the front door and points inside, annoyed and now very angry because I'm 18 and she's treating me like I'm 6, I run up the stairs and storm through the door bumping into her shoulder and went to my room and slammed the door and fell to the floor crying so hard it started to get hard for me to breathe. Trying to calm down I texted Gena.

Me: we need to talk right now so answer me.

Gena: Ok, ok hello. I'm sorry for what I did at the party, Kim, I didn't mean it, it just happened and Spencer and I were drunk.

Me: no you were drunk

Gena: ok, i was drunk but regardless It was such a big mistake. when you ran crying it made me realize that I'm a shitty person, please forgive me.

Me: It's fine Gena and yes I'm upset with you but this isn't about the party.

Gena: What is it about then? because I seriously still am very sorry. I sent her the picture of my mom's conversations with Mr. Leach.

Gena:, well, um.

Me: What do you mean oh?

Gena: I- I kind of already knew.

Me: Excuse me! What do you mean by 'already knew'?

Gena: Listen ok, I didn't want to tell you because I knew you would be upset.

Me: Are you kidding me right now? you knew they were talking and you never told me!?

Gena: I did it to protect you, Kimberly. I'm so sorry.

Me: Like hell you did. You are the worst friend ever.

Gena: Listen ok, I'm sorry.

Me: No you're not sorry, just stop saying sorry this conversation is over, I'll see you at school tomorrow you asshole. I threw my phone on my bed in anger and frustration.

The next day I was miserable, I could barely register my father's passing and now I'm finding out that not only is my mother over my fathers' death after a few months, but she has been cheating on him before he passed before he even got sick! (stupid Derek Leach), it set me back two seasons ago, when he passed it made it feel like he left all over again, I can't handle this pain all over again. I was texting Spencer about how I felt 'off' all day but it was just me thinking about what I had witnessed last night until my teacher snatched my phone from my hands and crossed her arms over and stood over me like she was in utter disappointment, judging me and she looked almost as disappointed as I was.

"You can get your phone back at the end of the day, just go to the office, I'll be giving it to Mr. Leach and you can talk to him about why it has been taken."

"Whatever," I said under my breath as I rolled my eyes and worked on the history worksheets that she gave us for the class.

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