Their Thoughts On You

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Now that you're more acquainted with each other, let's see what they think of you!
hopefully now the characters will be more accurate 😼

Gwen Stacy
     Gwen actually finds it funny that you keep getting into danger; well, funny not funny. It amuses her, but in the back of her mind she worries that one day she'll arrive too late. Sometimes she'll swing by your apartment late at night just to check up on you. Gwen wants to get to know you better since she's been feeling kinda lonely but, like I said, she doesn't wanna put you in anymore danger than you already get yourself into.

   Hobie Brown
     Hobie has taken a surprising interest in you! Normally the people he talks to are just casual, but with you it's different. He likes the chill vibe you give off and can see himself hanging around you more often; which he does! The two of you exchanged numbers and talk from time to time, and even meet up just to chill; whether it be at a park, a fast food restaurant, or just at one of your homes.

   Miguel O'Hara
     The thing Miguel liked about you most was your attitude, strangely enough. You weren't as joyful as you probably should've been and he kinda liked the fact that you seemed half friendly and half uncaring. It was probably due to your job though and working late nights, which he could relate to. He visited the coffee shop more frequently for two reasons: one, he genuinely liked the taste of the coffee, and two, he was interested in you. He wanted to know what led you here, why you seemed drained, and generally just know who you were on the inside. It was a nice break from the constant, suffocating joyfulness of the Spider group he ran.

Miles Morales
     Miles immediately took a liking to you. He liked how awkward you were at first because it made him feel more confident in himself, as mean as that sounds. It didn't take long for him to realize he had somewhat of a crush on you, and it would only grow each time you hung out. However, afraid of ruining your guy's friendship, he did his best to try and stamp out that flame; it only kinda worked... kinda.

   Pavitr Prabhakar
     As previously mentioned, he was drawn to your quiet nature during the tour and decided to make it his mission to befriend you. After he had completed his job as a tour guide, he would go looking for you just to hang out. He liked the tranquil aura you gave off when you were alone, and the friendly one when you spoke. Your mere presence was like a light warmth to him, in a good way, and he enjoyed being around you. He knew you would have to leave eventually, but he decided to focus on the good moments you enjoyed while you were still here.

The Spot
The two of you kept meeting up, but accidentally and coincidentally. You didn't particularly like seeing him so often, but he did make you laugh. As for him, he became kinda determined to find out where you kept your valuable items. He gave up after a while though, and took a liking to you because you never seemed afraid of creeped out by him. He got the feeling you were annoyed by his presence, but only mildly; he could tell from your body language that you didn't really have too much of a problem with him.

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