Plants n Stuff

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ive been kinda obsessed with plants lately, and only 2 of the 3 i got died!! how exciting right /j IN MY DEFENSE MY PARENTS DROWNED ONE OF THEM SO IT TECHNICALLY WASNT MY FAULT!!!

Gwen Stacy
     One day you decided you were bored and lonely so you went to the store to buy a plant!! Gwen was actually about to knock on your window right as you left, so she figured she would just follow you to see where you went. When she saw you entering a store she decided she would follow you inside too, but outside of her Spiderwoman costume. As you were looking at some of the plants, she walked up a few feet beside you and pretended to do the same. After a couple seconds she turned to you and spoke up.
     "You looking to buy a plant?" Gwen asked. She already knew the answer, she just wanted an excuse to talk to you.
     "Huh? Oh yeah, there's a lot of really pretty ones. I'm not sure which one to pick! Are you looking to get a plant too?" You replied, giving her a polite smile.
     "Yeah I am! For a friend of mine," she was lying but wanted to keep the conversation going. Gwen was about to speak up but you beat her to it.
     "Do you have a favorite plant?"
     She seemed a bit surprised for a second, but quickly changed her expression to a thoughtful one. "Oh not really, but if I had to pick I'd say succulents."
     "Huh really?" You said in a surprised tone.
     "Yeah! They're easy to take care of and super pretty," Gwen answered with a smile.
     "Hm! Alright, succulent it is then. Do you happen to know where they are?"
     "No, but I wouldn't mind helping you look."
     You and Gwen spent the rest of the trip talking about plants together and looking at all the succulents, debating which one you should get. Eventually you settled on a decent sized pot that had an Echeveria growing out of it. The plant grew in the shape of small flowers, although they didn't actually have any. Each leaf was round and spun outwards like petals on a rose.
      "This one's super pretty! Thanks for helping me pick one out," You said, carrying the pot carefully and gently.
     "No problem! Glad I could help," Gwen replied with a smile.
     "This plant kind of reminds me of you," you said suddenly.
     "Huh? How so?" Gwen seemed confused, and even a bit nervous.
     "Well, the plant is technically a leafy kind, but each shape mimics that of a flower," you began. "It's like two different types of plants in one."
     "...and that reminds you of me because?"
     "Gwen, I know."
     You smiled at her somewhat sheepishly and she immediately froze up.
     "Gwen? Who's Gwen..?" She chuckled nervously.
     You took her hand and held it reassuringly for a second. "I recognized your voice."
     Gwen mentally slapped herself for forgetting to alter her voice when speaking to you. She knew you were smart but didn't think you'd catch on as quick as you did. She sighed and looked into your eyes.
     "I wanted to tell you... at some point. But I didn't know how," She spoke in a hushed tone, despite the two of you being the only ones in the gardening section.
     "That's okay, I imagine it's not an easy thing to say," you replied with a smile. "But hey, at least we can hang out more often right?"
     Gwen beamed at your words and squeezed your hand gently. "Yeah! Yeah, I'd love that."

   Hobie Brown
     Hobie had recently taken up cacti collecting, for whatever reason. His answer was pretty much "I just think they're neat." He had tons of them around his apartment, so you decided it wouldn't hurt to get him another as a gift. The one you chose was a small one, but the person who sold it to you said it'd grow to be much bigger. It was a dragon fruit tree, one that you were sure he didn't have yet.
     As you walked to his apartment with the plant in hand, you inspected the leaves and small flowers protruding from the tree. You were so lost in thought that you weren't paying attention to where you were walking. A few people who were stopped watched as you continued walking onto the street, not realizing that the light to cross was red. You finally snapped out of your daze when you heard a car speeding in your direction. Fight or flight kicked in and you froze, clutching the sapling close to you chest and closing your eyes to brace yourself for impact. Of course, it never came. As you slowly opened your eyes, you saw a white wall of webs entangled in front of you. It blocked the entire street and was held together between the two buildings on either side of the road. Standing in front of you with his arms crossed was Spider Punk.
     "You should watch where yer goin'," he said, chuckling. "Whaddya got there?"
     You were still in shock so you didn't respond. Spider Punk walked towards you and gently brushed one of the sapling's leaves.
     "Pretty flower. Mind if I take it?" Without waiting for your reply, the punk took the pot from your hands and spun it around in his.
     "Hey! That's for my friend!" You said, attempting to take the pot back. "And it's not a flower. It's-"
     "A dragon fruit tree, I know," he chuckled yet again and held the pot over his head with one hand.
     "Can you please give it back? I appreciate you saving my life but that's for my friend," you said in the calmest tone you could muster.
     He lifted his mask up a bit to show his mouth. The Spider Punk was grinning at you. "You mean Hobie?"
     "You know him!?"
     "Sure I do."
     With the tree sapling still in one hand, the Spider held out his other and a web shot out from his wrist as he swung away into a nearby alley.
     "Hey! Wait! That plant is for my friend!!" You chased after the much faster spider as he swung between the buildings. As you ran, you realized you were nearing Hobie's apartment.
     "They must be friends..." you thought, slowing down a bit to catch your breath. It was only for a couple seconds, but when you looked back up the Spider Punk was facing you just a few inches away, still grinning, and also upside down.
     You yelped in shock and froze up again. And just like before, he chuckled, seemingly amused at your reaction. You were about to demand the plant again when he suddenly took his mask off completely. Huge locs of black hair flew out from his head and you could've sworn it made a poof sound. The now-unmasked hero had multiple piercings on his face as well, and you immediately recognized him as-
     "HOBIE!? I... You- but- wha?!"
     Hobie finally swung down onto his feet and set the pot down, embracing you in a hug. Honestly, that was probably more surprising than finding out your best friend was Spiderman.
     "Thanks for thinkin' of me, Y/n."
"...You're... you're welcome?"
He laughed and put the mask back on, picking the pot up again and swinging onto the balcony of his apartment. He took one look at you before disappearing into his house, leaving you a very shocked and confused mess.

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