An Outing (2/2)

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also....... guess who discovered character ai..... it's partially the reason for me putting off this chapter HSJDJSJWBH

   Miles Morales
Usually you and Miles would hang around his place or the park, drawing or just talking about random stuff. You went to his house to hang out again but when you got there, you found the door already slightly ajar and a bit of arguing on the other side.
     "It won't take you longer than a few minutes, Miles," Miles' mom said.
     "But mamá, my friend was supposed to come today!" Miles argued, sounding frustrated.
     "Miles listen to your mother," His dad said, sounding as though he wasn't even part of the conversation and just interjected to break up the fight.
You backed up from the door a bit, debating on whether you should just leave or not. Behind the door, you heard Miles sigh and swing the door open, his eyes widening when he noticed you there.
"Oh! Y/n!" he laughed awkwardly, closing the door behind him. "So uh... I have to run an errand for my mom..."
You smiled at him. "That's okay, I can go with!"
"Really? You don't mind?"
"Not at all; besides, we'd still be hanging out right?"
Miles smiled at you, glad you were so understanding. The two of you talked as you walked to the store, going over the list his mom gave him and talking about your plans for the day. Once you arrived he, grabbed the shopping cart and handed you the list.
"You don't mind holding onto that for me, right?" he asked, already pushing the cart away. You shook your head and followed him, making your way to the first aisle.
"The first thing we need to get is-"
"Oh dude check it out!" Miles exclaimed, interrupting you. You glanced over at him and saw him holding a cereal box with Spiderman's face on it.
You laughed at how excited he was to see the cardboard box. "You like Spiderman?"
"Duh, who doesn't!?" he tossed the box into the cart as if it were a basketball and continued walking down the aisle.
"I'm pretty sure that wasn't on the list," you said, smirking at him. He shrugged his shoulders at you.
"I'm sure my mom won't care... much," he said. "If she wanted the exact items on the list, then... maybe she should've come herself!"
You shook your head at his rebellious attitude and tried your best to keep him in check, for Rio's sake. After a few minutes of goofing off though, that objective was quickly tossed out the window. Miles would race around the store, pushing the shopping cart before quickly putting his feet on the bottom of the cart and letting it slide off on its own. Around the second or third time of this, you thought it'd be funny to try and scare him.
"Hey Miles, I'm gonna go look for the rice, be right back okay?" you said, trying your best to suppress your laughter.
He looked at you and nodded in response, this time pushing the cart around as if it were a car, making various screeeee and vrooooom sound effects. You giggled at this before turning to leave down the nearest aisle, jogging to one further down the store to get ahead of him. As you did, you had to maneuver around various people, muttering 'excuse me!' and 'sorry!' to people you bumped into or almost bumped into.
Miles had assumed you went off to do what you said you'd do, so he decided to be a little bit responsible while he awaited your return, grabbing some items from the dairy section. He then made his way over to where the eggs were, which were just around the corner of the last aisle. Suddenly, his spidey-senses had alerted him of something- or someone- on the other side of the aisle. He could tell it wasn't that big of a threat, and immediately assumed it was you. He quickly jumped around the corner and yelled "BOO!" before you could. Caught off guard, you yelped and threw your hands up defensively before laughing.
"Miles!" you exclaimed. "You ruined my evil plan!"
Your friend laughed heavily at your reaction, putting one hand over his face. "I knew it was you! I would've been embarrassed if I had scared some stranger!"
"Argh, you..! How did you even know I was there?" You asked, calming down. He looked at the ground for a second before looking back at you with a grin.
"My spidey-senses told me," he responded, his tone and expression implying that he was joking. You just rolled your eyes, assuming he was only pretending due to his love of Spiderman; and Spiderman themed cereal apparently.
The two of you kept goofing off but a bit less than before as per your command; otherwise you would've been there for another two hours. In about half an hour, you and Miles had managed to get everything on the list, and quite a few things that weren't. You weren't sure how the two of you were going to carry all the bags back to his house. Just as you were about to grab some of them, Miles handed some to you instead.
"Here, these aren't that heavy. I got the rest," he said, smiling politely.
"You think I can't carry the heavy bags, ¿o qué?" you joked, secretly happy to not be carrying heavier loads.
He rolled his eyes at you as he slung multiple bags over his arms, carrying them with ease. You stared a bit in awe; you knew he was strong but you didn't know he was THAT strong.
     Meanwhile, you stared down at your two light bags and felt kind of bad that he was carrying the majority of them. You walked together all the way back to his apartment, making light and joyful conversation. When you got there, you opened the door for Miles and greeted his parents.
"Hola, Señora Morales, and Mister Davis!" you greeted with a smile, setting your two bags down on the counter. The couple greeted you back, looking through the bags you and Miles brought.
"Miles, ¿qué es esto?" Rio asked, pulling out the box of Spiderman cereal.
"What? Didn't you ask for cereal?" Miles said, smiling innocently. His mom shook her head, putting the cereal down again.
"And what's all this other stuff?" His dad questioned, taking out more junk and cross referencing them with the list. "Miles, this is not what your mother sent you for."
Your friend chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "...My bad?"
"Déjenlos," Rio said, turning to her husband with a sweet expression. He smiled at her.
"Alright..." Jeff said. "It's your money I guess, not mine."
She looked at you and Miles, wide eyed for a second before chuckling nervously, earning a stare from Jeff.
"...Actually... I gave them your card."
You put a hand over your mouth to suppress a laugh, but Miles just let it out. His dad sighed with a shake of his head.
"...What am I going to do with you?" He teased, turning to Rio with a soft smile.
For the next hour or so, you helped Miles and his parents put the groceries away, cook, and, before you left, you got to enjoy some of Rio's cooking. When you did leave, Miles closed the door behind you as his mom watched.
"I really like your friend," she whispered to him.
He dug his face in his hands, groaning. he acted embarrassed by his parents comments about you, but secretly he was glad his parents liked you so much because he did too.

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