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Im going off the yandere wiki here so bare with me-
this chapter is just a hypothetical, it wont affect any of the other "canon" chapters 👍

‼️ CW ‼️ unsure of what might actually cause any triggers but consider this your warning for mentions of stuff like stalking, manipulation, forceful restraints, etc.

   Gwen Stacy
     Type: Stalker
If Gwen were a yandere, she'd stalk you ALL the time. She's extremely terrified of losing you so she'll often watch you in your apartment or whenever you leave to ensure your safety. This leads to her neglecting her duties as Spiderwoman in favor of keeping an eye on you. You, meanwhile, are completely oblivious to her stalking. She does visit you regularly to hang out n stuff, but when she leaves she doesn't truly leave. She wouldn't be the kind of yandere to hurt anyone but she would definitely threaten anyone who came near you, using her alter ego as a way to intimidate them further.

Hobie Brown
Type: Loneliness Induction
     Hobie is the opposite of Pav (I wrote this one after his). Hobie will make you think that you need him and that everyone else hates you or is a threat to you. He'll manipulate you into being dependent on him and make you think that he's all you've got. Eventually you'll push other people away- even if you've known them for a long time- until you know that Hobie is the only one that you need and that truly loves and cares for you.

Miguel O'Hara
     Type: Protective, restraints, monopoly (shock trope)
Poor mans is also afraid of losing you, whether it be to death itself or a break up. Think of him like yandere Gwen but more willing to use extreme measures to ensure your wellbeing. He will dissuade you from doing anything without him and hates when you talk to someone other than him (or Lyla). Miguel is not afraid of eliminating anyone who gets in his way of protecting you. He doesn't want to hurt you but if you refuse to listen or he feels like you're in great danger, he'll force you to stick by his side in whatever ways possible; if he has to, he'll bind you to himself using his webs. If he's going on a particularly dangerous mission, he'll tie you to a chair or handcuff you to a heavy object and make Lyla keep watch. Oddly, these are the only times you feel free; Lyla is the only other "person" you get to talk to, and she is nothing like Miguel (in a good way obviously).

   Miles Morales
Type: Self sacrifice
     Basically what it sounds like! The love trope for this type is kinda described as the 'dere being a doormat. Miles will give you all of his time, money, and attention to you if thats what you want. He would, of course, also be willing to hurt himself so that you aren't harmed. If you're evil enough, you'll take advantage of him and his self sabotaging ways. If not, you'll try to demand things a lot less from him just because you feel bad that he does so much for you, which will lead him to feel unwanted and useless. Either way, he'll continue to devote all his time and energy to you even if it hurts or kills him.

Pavitr Prabhakar
Type: Harmless, worship
Pav will complete and utterly devote himself to you. He'll change everything about himself just to fit your needs and/or standards and will completely abandon the people he knew before just so he can spend more time with you. He'll do whatever it takes to make you happy and he'll always put your needs before his own; so much so that it becomes concerning at times...

   The Spot
Type: Dependent, monopoly (love trope)
Augh poor Spot... everyone laughs at him and calls him a freak, but you? Never. He absolutely despises the idea of you leaving him or even finding him to be slightly boring. He wants you to tell him how much he means to you and how much you adore him all the time. If he feels like you're ignoring him or something he'll start saying things like "you don't think I'm a freak do you?" just to get some sort of validation that you still like him. He's very clingy as well and will get upset if you aren't in the same room as him.

might come back and revise these in the future! the next chapter will be me adding Spider Noir, in case anyone is interested in reading for him.

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