4┊The North Tower ˎˊ-

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"You're a madman Avery. Bonkers this one I'm telling you." I smiled and shrugged at her comments while scarfing down my roast potatoes. If I ever get any sort of diet-related sickness I'll blame it on Hogwarts food for being too delicious.

"What class do we have next?" I asked her, hoping it would change the subject.

"Don't you have a schedule?" She replied exasperatedly. "You'll have whatever elective you were given. I'm in Ancient Runes. You?"

"Divination, seemed interesting enough. Besides, I already know a good amount of runes." I reasoned, while taking a sip of my pumpkin juice.

"Right, homeschooled genius." Jasmin tapped her head and smirked. "But anyways, Divination might be fun."

"What do you mean, might be?"

"Well, from what I've heard, it's a tiring and boring class, and the professor is also high on something." Jasmin explained.

"Lovely. First day of school and there's drugs already. Yipee." I did a little cheer with my hands, causing Jasmin to snort.

"Don't you worry Nicolo, it gets even better!" She was beaming with excitement. "The Divination class is located at the very top of the North Tower." I groaned. My potatoes didn't taste amazing anymore. "I'd start walking there right now if I were you. The stairs are killer until you get used to them."

"Stupid castle. If its so magical why'd they need to make so many stairs." I complained, waving my hands around. Anybody who thought I was crazy during DADA definitely knew I was off-my-rocker now.

"It's alright, After that its free period until dinner. I help you with your Potions homework then." She spoke warmly, in a kind way I've never seen her act like before.

I hesitated. Are people really that nice to other people?


"Sorry, uh-" I looked her straight in the eyes. There was no ill-intent in them, just concern. "Thank you Jasmin. You're a lifesaver."

"Of course I am." She scoffed and flipped her hair dramatically, causing me to smile. "Run along now, I'm sure you'll get lost a couple times so the sooner you leave the better." I rolled my eyes. She's just a truly amazing friend isn't she?

Smiling and shaking my head, I made my way out of the Great Hall. "Okay, North Tower. Shouldn't be too hard." I thought to myself. I was going to get there on time and prove Jasmin wrong.


Or not.

I spent maybe around 5 minutes pacing the corridors, puzzling out which way was north. Jasmin had proved herself undoubtedly correct. I was lost.

You know what? I'll just wait here. Eventually someone will walk through this very corridor, and I will ever-so politely ask them for directions. It's a foolproof plan.

"Avery?" said a voice from behind me. I flinched violently, jumping at least a couple inches off the ground, before slowly turning around and facing the bitch that had decided to sneak-

"Harry-?" I took a couple steps back, still somewhat jumpy.

"Sorry Avery I didn't mean to er- startle you, you seemed a bit spooked there." His hands fidgeted as he spoke.

"No- uhm, it was fine, not spooked, and um- please, just call me Nico. Did you need something?" I asked, completely forgetting my own little predicament.

"Actually I wanted to apologize. For the carriage, I overstepped and I guess-" He huffed, trying to find the correct words. "Ever since last year I've just been so on edge I-" He awkwardly ruffled his hair. "I didn't mean to make your first day at Hogwarts go badly. So, I'm really sorry. Are we cool?"

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