Chapter III

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Walking into History everyone's eyes were on me. I wasn't used to the attention and just ducked my head down. When I looked up again I scanned the room, looking for an empty chair to sit in. I spotted one that was in the back and took a seat. They were uncomfortable in every way possible but who am I kidding, it's school. They aren't going to spend money on chairs.

I looked up at my surroundings and noticed I was sitting next to a girl with light blonde hair and baby blue eyes, a face covered in makeup. I could already tell she was going to be a B-word with the way she was smacking her gum and glaring at me. I rolled my eyes and gave her a fake sweet smile before looking over at the guy to my right. He had a baby face with light brown hair that swept into his eyes and dark brown eyes. When he saw I was staring at him he smiled, showing off his cute dimples. I returned the smile before opening my bag and grabbing a notebook before starting to draw.

The bell rang a minute or two later and students started pilling in through the door. The teacher soon followed a minute after all of the talking students walked in and got settled at his computer. After a few minutes of him mumbling things under his breath, he finally started calling attendance.

"Jacob?" He called, having a southern accent and sounding a little aggravated at something.

"Here," A guy with curly black hair answered.


"Present," Somebody with long brown hair that reached just above his shoulders. He had a mischievous smirk placed over his features making him look like he was up to something.



And it went like that for the rest of the class until he reached my name. He looked up in confusion before his eyes scanned the room and landed directly on me, "Jackie Walker?" His southern accent was thick and confusion laced his every word. Had they not told him he was getting a new student today? Well, now I'm confused.

"Present," I raised my hand halfway in the air and gave a little wave.

"This school is really good at informing teachers with information," He grumbled. "Well, I'm Mr. Cooper. Welcome to my history class and feel free to ask as many questions as you would like." And after that, he continued to call names before starting to teach the rest.

Halfway through class, I got distracted drawing on my scrap piece of paper. I didn't draw much but when I did, I was pretty good at it. By the time the bell rang I had finished the drawing. In it was my dad's beautiful wolf in the middle of the woods with my mother and me on his back. It was a replica of a picture I had at home that held so many memories. I stared down at it with a small smile before packing it away in my bag.

The boy who was sitting to my left was now standing behind me staring over my shoulder. I hadn't realized he was there and as I was getting up I bumped into him. I let out a startled gasp before staring up at him. He was tall and muscular, way taller than I had thought when he was sitting down.

"That's an awesome drawing," He stated in a deep, husky voice as he reached down to pull the paper from my bag. "It's so realistic." He admired, "Where did you get the idea for it?"

"A picture that I saw online earlier," I snatched the paper out of his hand before walking out of the class, seeing James leaning up against the door frame.

"What the fuck are you doing talking to him?" He snarled, grabbing my forearm and leading me down the crowded hall. I stared at him in shock before I tore my arm, shocking him with the force I used.

"Um... first of all, I don't have to listen to you, and secondly, he was talking to me not the other way around," I stated. Who does he think he is? He doesn't get to tell me who I can and can't talk to. Why does he think he has the right to do so?

He stopped dead in his tracks making me run into his back, which felt like running into a brick wall. He turned around and glared at me before backing me up against the lockers lining the hallway walls. His once baby blue eyes now looked like a really dark grey. Well, shit. He's a wolf. I thought to myself. How could I not have noticed when I saw him the first time?

"I'm just trying to protect you," He scowled down at me looking pretty scarier. "You don't know who you're messing with here. The people here aren't normal."

"I can tell," I snapped back. "This isn't my first rodeo. Now, please show me to my next class."

"Ugh," He huffed before walking away like nothing happened. I was kind of shocked by the reaction he had to a random guy talking to me. Once the shock wore off I ran after him, not wanting to get lost in this huge school.

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