Chapter XIII

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Happy Halloween people. Hope you enjoy the chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Feel free to give your feedback or ideas for other stories. Have fun reading.

James' P.O.V.

"What do you mean hunters are at the border?" I demanded.

My world was spinning. Hunters. The word repeated in my head over and over again and wouldn't stop. Hunters were humans that have devoted their whole lives to destroying every. last. supernatural. creature. They have silver knives and bullets that could kill us in an instant. One silver bullet to the heart and you're instantly dead; the same thing with a stab. And if you get stabbed or shot anywhere you would have to get a blood transfusion.

"Hunters are surrounding the border. Rogues are with them. It seems like they're getting antsy to attack," My father said.

"Get all the pregnant females, females, children, and elders into the safe room. Make sure nobody who can't protect themselves is outside. Get all the warriors to the armory to get bullet-proof vests and tell them not to shift until every hunter is killed," I commanded in my alpha voice. My father turned to his mate, gave her a kiss, and left.

'Where are you two?' I mindlinked my beta and gamma.

'We're at the armory getting prepared, your father just mindlinked us,' Rowan answered.

'Good. Set the more advanced hand-to-hand combat fighters in the front,' I commanded.

'Already done,' Jake commented.

'Have everyone ready, I'll be there in five minutes. I'm going to check on all the females and children,' With that, I cut the link facing my mother once again.

"What do you need me to do, James?" She questioned.

"Protect the females," I said sternly. I didn't want her out there and I knew she wouldn't go into the safe room with everyone so this was the only thing I could think of.

I followed my mom out of my office and left her side once I knew she was by the safe room. I searched the pack house for anyone who needed help making it to the safe room and didn't find anyone. The drills must have paid off. The only thing left to check would be the warriors.

Jake and Rowan did their job well. All of the warriors were in the right places and had enough weapons to last the entire fight; I hope. It was now nine at night and all we had to do was wait. Once the hunters and rogues enter the border is when we fight. There's no telling when they will or if they are just going to stay outside the border the entire night, baiting us. They could be scouting us out, looking for our weak points of attack.

Less than forty minutes later the battle had begun. I had fought in battles before but none of them consisted of hunters. This battle would be different from previous ones. Nobody on our side can shift until all the hunters are eliminated and that would be a long time coming. Taking one glance over the battlefield, I could tell that there were more than a hundred hunters and even more rogues. It seemed that we would be outnumbered in this fight but we will not give up.

"Take out the hunters as fast as you can. Don't get stabbed or shot and if you do try to get help," I yelled, loud enough for everybody on the battlefield to hear. The hunters had guns that were the most dangerous weapons to us.

I was currently fighting a hunter. I had thankfully managed to get his gun away. He was now only using knives. His movements were smooth and skilled, almost nicking me a few times. As he was slashing, I was analyzing his movements. I noticed quickly that he was slightly unbalanced in his left leg and realized that would be his downfall. I swiftly block his attacks before using my leg and sliding in underneath his, wiping out his legs. He fell to the ground with a loud thud, losing focus long enough for me to grab a dagger and jam it into his throat.

Focusing on him any longer was no longer an option. I had to move on to the next hunter and fast. They were trained well enough to put up a fight against us wolves, meaning that this battle was going to last for a long time.


And boy was I right. The battle isn't even close to being over and we're already halfway through the night. Everybody on the field is tired and worn out. Everyone wants to take a break but they know they can't. The hunters and rogue numbers are getting lower but so are ours. The battlefield is a massacre of blood and bodies. This had to end soon.


The battle was still ongoing. We were now in the late morning, the sun rising over an hour ago, letting all of us know we've been fighting for over eight hours. Most of us haven't shifted yet because the hunters just keep on showing up. The few that have have trained for years and are better in their wolf form. I was currently fighting a large gray rogue when I caught a familiar scent.

'Mate,' Jack yelled, forcing his control and shifting before I could control what was happening. He sprinted off in the direction he sensed our mate, making me wonder why she was there or if this was a trap. I continued thinking about all the what-ifs when I spotted her. A larger-looking black wolf was running at her, about to pounce. Jack picked up his pace and tore the rogue from the air as if it were the most natural thing in the world. He ripped the wolf's throat out with an unappetizing noise before turning to face our mate. We were enraged but also confused. Why was she here?

"What the hell are you doing? You have to shift back, there are still hunters everywhere," She screamed, eyes full of confusion and anger as to why I had shifted. Before I could do anything, her head snapped to the side quickly. She let out a huff that sounded like frustration making me turn my head to look in her direction. There was a hunter aiming a gun right at me. Before I could run or do anything at all, a knife was thrown. It landed directly in his eye, lodging deep. He fell to the ground clutching the knife and letting out a scream of agony. Jackie started running towards him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and twisted, leaving the hunter on the ground, dead.

I was in shock at what she had just done. It takes skill to be able to throw a knife with such accuracy. I shifted back into my human form, leaving me naked in all my glory right in front of her. She looked away quickly once she saw what was happening and made me a little sad. But if she didn't want to look then she wouldn't have to. I ran over to a nearby tree quickly, grabbed a pair of gym shorts, and turned back to my mate. She peeked out from behind her hand before completely taking her hand off. I could tell she was checking out my abs but I wasn't going to complain.

 "What are you doing here, Jackie?" I demanded in my alpha tone accidentally.

"I don't have to give my reasons," She sneered before running toward the center of the field where the main battle was happening.

"You can't go into that," I shouted over all the screaming, sprinting alongside her, reaching for her arm to stop her.

"I can go into whatever I want," She stated confidently, not allowing me to stop him and ripping the arm I had a hold of out of my grip. I continued yelling things but there was no point. She continued running, not slowing down in the slightest.

'Let her go, she can handle herself,' My wolf said with confidence.

'But how? She's just human,' I question.

'I can see it in her eyes, she's not weak,' He stated, pride dripping from his voice.

I watched as she ran right into the middle of the battle and disappeared. I started getting back into the battle seconds later, killing rogue after rogue, wishing this fight would end soon.

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