Chapter XXVI

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3rd Person P.O.V.

"I'm sorry," Jackie's voice said gently from the two's resting position cuddled up together in bed.

"For what?" James questioned, looking down at the girl in his arms.

"For being here, causing all these problems and stress you and your parents," she mumbled, snuggling more into the male's muscular chest.

"Don't apologize for existing. You did nothing wrong and we'll solve this problem together. You're my mate and the best thing to have ever happened to me. Don't forget that, okay?" he soothed, rubbing his mate's hair soothingly.

"But it is my fault. Your parents are stressed and worried because of me. They're scared of what I'm capable of, what I don't know I'm capable of. I'm afraid, and if I'm being honest... it's the first time I've been afraid since my parents died. I realize that I could take down and destroy the world if I wanted to but I wouldn't. But right now, with the story your parents just told us about. The hybrid boy being kind and innocent. What if I become like that? What if I become someone, something, that I'm not? Something that'll destroy the world in a blink of an eye without any thought. No control over what I do. It scares me to think that could be me." A few tears escaped her eyes thinking that she could lose it. Could have no control over her own body and hurt the people she has grown to care about.

"Don't think like that. No, no, please don't think like that. We're going to find a way to know for certain that you won't hurt anyone, okay? Please believe me when I say I won't ever give you up. I will always fight for you," he said with certainty, leaning his head down to press a soft kiss to his mate's temple.

"It's hard not to think about what could happen, though," she mumbled softly, looking up into her mate's eyes.

"Try not to think about it right now. Think about me, being in my arms. Focus on me and nothing else. Sleep," his voice was soothing but stern. He wanted his mate to be okay. He wanted her to not worry about the future and focus on the now. This was the happiest he had ever been and it was because of her. He didn't want to lose her but if he were to, he wanted the time they had to be happy.


The next morning, the couple in bed slept till late in the afternoon, only waking when they felt the sun on their faces. They were exhausted, not from anything physical but mental. Both of them were mentally exhausted from the information they had received the night before and from the stress.

They stayed in bed for another hour or so, cuddled up in each other's arms. Neither of them wanted to leave the comfort of the bed or each other. They were peacefully resting, having no clue what would come just hours later while they were distracted. Concentrated on nothing but themselves.


The man stared blankly at the little wolf standing alone in her home. Funny how she never left the place where her loved ones died. He continued watching the distracted girl, wanting to laugh at her obliviousness towards him.

It was funny to him that it would be so easy. He enjoyed the fight. Sadly, he would rather get it over with as fast as he could. It would be easier to tie up the girl while she was unconscious. He would know. If she was the smallest bit as strong as either of her parents then she would definitely be able to take him and his people down with a swipe of her fingers.

She didn't know the extent of what she could do and he knew that. That was why he was doing this. So she wouldn't destroy the world with the immense power that she was given. In his eyes, he was saving everyone by what he was doing. He had to get rid of her before she wigged out.

He knew it was time. She was too distracted by her own thoughts and feelings to even realize his presence was there. He got out of his sitting place by the opened window and carried out his mission.

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