Chapter XX

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Jackie's P.O.V.

I watched as my mate stared at me for a few moments. His eyes were wide in shock, still not believing what he had just heard, and his mouth was wide open.

'He looks so cute sitting like that. I wonder if that's what he'll look like when we're pregnant in the future?' Eco's thought made my eyes go wide and if I were to be drinking water I would have surely spit it out.

'Eco!' I shouted in my head, still in disbelief that she would think that.

'What? You can't help but think about what it would be like to be pregnant with his pups,' She said innocently, putting pictures of me, pregnant in our mate's arms, smiling happily.

'Stop putting these pictures in my head,' I snapped, trying to not think about those things.

'Stop complaining, you know you like them,' She teased.

I decided it would lead me nowhere arguing with her, she was too stubborn. I looked at my mate, seeing him still looking shocked.

"I think I broke him," I muttered to myself, getting up to walk over to him. Once I was standing in front of him, I waved my hand in front of his face. "Gosh, I really did break you. Guess we gotta do it the hard way," I say, pushing him by the shoulders, causing him to fall to the ground with a loud 'thump'.

"Shit!" He yelped as he hit the ground. "What was that for?"

"It fixed you, didn't it?" I questioned smugly

"Wait, what?" He asked, confused.

"You weren't moving and I got tired of it," I said like it was obvious.

"Yeah, well it's not every day that you find out the mate you thought was human is actually a werewolf and a witch," He states sharply.

"It's not?" I ask sarcastically.

He started to glare at me before asking, "So, can you do witch stuff?" I nodded my head, turning my head to the side at his intense gaze. "That's sick." His voice boomed through the room causing me to whip my head to the side quickly.

"You're not upset that I'm half werewolf and witch?" I asked, slightly shocked by his reaction.

"Not at all," He beamed, getting up from the floor. "Can you still shift?"

"Yeah," I say slowly, wondering why he was asking that.

"Can I see your wolf?" He asked, excitingly.

"Yes, yes you can," Eco said, pushing forward. This caused James' wolf to push forward as well, his eyes changing to a deep black.

"Let's go for a run then," His voice was husky and rough, sending shivers down my spine.

"Gladly," Eco said suggestively.

The next thing I knew, James grabbed us by the hand and pulled me to the entrance. He swiftly picked us up bridal style and jumped, landing smoothly on his feet.

"Turn around so we can shift," Eco ordered as our mate put us down. He did as told, starting to strip himself while we did the same.

Moments later, his wolf let out a growl, causing Eco to turn around. Eco let out a loud snarl, brushing up against him with a purr. James' wolf turned around and stared in shock at us. Once he was out of his shock he started nuzzling his face into our neck.

'Eco, stop scenting him,' I whisper-shouted through our link.

'He started it,' She whined, continuing what she was doing with him.

'This is too intimate. We barely know each other,' I tried to convince her.

'He's our mate. Most mates would have already mated with each other by now. This is nothing,' She continued to argue.

'Ugh, Eco,' I huffed at her, watching from her eyes how intimate they were together.

'Fine, but the next time you're intimate with him, I'm gonna make you stop,' She gave in, jumping off the ground, grabbing her clothes, and bolting into the woods with James' wolf right on her heels.

'You know you wouldn't stop any intimate moments with us,' I teased.

'Yeah, because I'm a nice person and won't interrupt such precious moments,' She said smugly, bouncing off tree branches and leaping over small puddles of water.

'You're so whiny,' I teased her once again.

She let out a huff, coming to a stop at a small clearing full of beautiful flowers.

'Do you want to shift back?' Eco asked, walking around in circles, James stopped and stared at her confusedly.

'Yeah, but get him to turn around,' I say timidly, not wanting him to see us with nothing on.

Eco did as asked, walking behind a tree, hinting to our mate to do the same, and shifting back. I quickly changed back into my clothes and walked out from behind the tree, seeing James sitting on a fallen limb.

"Your wolf," James said, his voice full of amazement.

"What about her," I asked, sitting beside him and looking out into the woods.

"She's solid white, I haven't ever seen one like that," He commented.

"Yeah, my father had said the same thing when I first shifted," I mumbled half-heartedly.

"She's beautiful, by the way," His compliment made Eco stir in my mind, howling into the air.

"Eco said thank you," I told him.

"Eco is your wolf's name, right?" He asked softly.

"It is. I never got your wolf's name, though," I said timidly, nudging his shoulder gently.

"His name's Jack."

"Jack," I whispered, testing the name. I watched as his eyes flickered from his normal, mesmerizing blue eyes to his wolf's pitch-black ones.

"Say it again, baby," His wolf's deep voice demanded, causing my eyes to widen in shock.

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