Chapter XV

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Jackie's P.O.V.

I stared at the man tied up, unconscious, in front of me. His face was almost unrecognizable after what I had done. I couldn't control my rage after seeing his hideous face. He deserves to die. The only reason he wasn't is because I needed him for questioning. He very well could be the only way to give me closure.

When I saw his face in the woods I almost fainted. The sight sent my brain into a world pull and I wanted to run, run far away from everyone and everything. My mind was running wild with memories from the past.

Flash Back

My heart was racing waiting for my mother and father to return. I know I hadn't been in here very long but my brain was making it feel like hours worrying about them.

My mother put me in our safety bunker when my father mindlinked her about rogues surrounding our tiny cabin. I couldn't describe in words how frightened I was when my mother left me alone.

I waited and waited, thinking the worst before curiosity played its part. I wanted to see what was happening on the other side of the door. Temptation was at its finest and I finally cracked the door open a hair inch. I looked around, spotting my mother fighting a... human? He had the build of my father but I couldn't sense a wolf on him.

'What is he, Eco?' I asked my wolf.

'Something you'll learn about in the future,' She said calmly, but I could tell by her demeanor that he was something bad.

I continued watching my mother fight. A smile graced my features as I saw my mother land a punch on the man's face. She's one awesome witch, I thought to myself. She continued throwing punches and mumbling words, casting spells. To me, it looked like she was winning but that was far from the truth.

Seconds later, the man pulled out a shiny knife before stabbing my mother in the stomach. She fell to her knees, clutching the knife that was lodged in her. I waited for my father to come save her but he never came. I couldn't see him from where my view was. I watched in horror as the man tore the knife out of my mother and stabbed her again and again.

My mother's screams of agony filled the air and sent tears welling up in my eyes. I couldn't describe the feelings flowing through me. I wanted to leave the bunker and help her but I knew I would have just gotten in her way.

I watched as he grabbed my mother by the hair and lifted her face up to look at him. "You deserve to die. All of you creatures deserve to be tortured and killed," The man said, finally accomplishing the goal he set out to accomplish.

A sob left my lips before I could control it. The man's head snapped in my direction but before he could see me I shut the door. I couldn't control my tears any longer and started sobbing.

End of Flashback

A groan brought me out of my memories, my head snapping to the sound. I watched as the hunter slowly started waking up. More groans left his opened lips and his arms struggled against the chains holding him to the chair. I plastered a fake smile onto my features, watching as his eyes opened and locked with mine.

"Who" He let out a groan of pain, his voice scratchy from the lack of water, "Are you?"

"You don't remember me?" I asked sadistically, turning my face to the side and smiling widely.

"What?" He asked, still not fully awake while yanking lazily on the chains.

"Awww, you don't. Would have thought when a person murders innocent people then they would remember," I said, feigning interest.

He looked confused at first before recognition flashed in his eyes. "No, that's impossible," He uttered, not believing what I was saying. "We killed all of you. There was nobody left. You're lying." He yelled.

"Oh you poor thing, not knowing the truth," I cooed. "Have you ever wondered what that noise was after you slit her throat?"

"No. No, no, no. There wasn't anyone there. We looked," He said softly, still not believing.

"Not well enough," I retorted, walking towards him, lifting his head, and making him look at my face.

"Why are you telling me this?" He spoke softly.

"So when I kill you, you'll know that you failed. That you won't ever be able to tell the friends that helped you that you were right about the noise. They'll think you're weak for dying in the battle," I smirked as the light in his eyes dimmed.

"They will find and kill you," He stated confidently.

"All of you didn't think I existed so I have little faith that they will start looking now," I said like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"You're going to die," He said with his teeth together.

"You're right, I am going to die one day, but not today," I said cheerfully.

"You won't get away with killing me," He yelled in my face.

"I very well could get away with it, but you're right I might not," I smiled before kicking his shin.

He let out a grunt before asking, " Why haven't you killed me yet? What do you need me for?"

"I don't need you for anything. I'm keeping you alive because I want to know why you attacked that pack, and why you came after my parents," I said. "So, you're going to answer any of the questions I have, and you're going to do it without any force. And if you don't..." I paused, leaning down to be face level with him. "Well, lets just say you don't want to know what's going to happen if you don't cooperate."

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