Prologue: Death of the Dragon

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The trident was chaos. The once peaceful river was now a wreck due to the fighting. The nearby trees and shrubs were on fire and the ground was shattered. Through all the smoke, two only two figures were still standing. In black armor with a red dragon made of rubies, it was the crowned prince Rhaegar Targaryen. On the other side was a giant of a man with an antlered helm, the rebel Robert Baratheon.

Rhaegar Targaryen led a force of 40,000 men, consisting of men from the Reach and Dorne. Robert led an army of less, made up of forces from the North, Vale, Riverlands, and Stormlands. The two armies met in the middle of the trident, the battle has been raging on for hours. And now only two men were still standing.

Robert glared at Rhaegar, wishing he could tear that helm off the prince and look the bastard in the eyes. Underneath said helm, Rhaegar kept a calm posture but exhaustion was starting to settle in. Both men were giving it their all, and they were reaching their limits. He raised his arms in the air, flames shot out from them and took the form of a dragon.

"Rearing Dragon!" Rhaegar shouted. He threw his arms forward and launched the flaming dragon. Robert ran in the other direction, narrowly avoiding the attack. However the impact of was strong enough to send the large man flying. Robert hit the ground hard, his arm rattling like pans and pots. Slowly, he managed to get back on his feet. That's when he saw it, his war hammer which he dropped earlier.

Dozens of fireballs came flying at Robert, he took off towards his hammer. The fireballs came close to hitting him, one managed to graze his pauldron. From the smoke, Rhaegar came flying from above. His arms reared back, flames shooting out from them.

"Flaming Wing Strike!" he Targaryen prince cried.

Robert pulled his arm back, a sphere of light formed around his hand. He thrusted his hand forward, a loud crack echoed throughout the battlefield. In the air, cracks began to form as everything started to violently shake. The force of the attack sent Rhaegar back, landing on his head and rolling backwards. Rhaegar still got back up, his helmet was now gone, showing his white hair and purple eyes. Both men were now look into each other's eyes, both were filled with hatred.

"This ends now!" Rhaegar screamed. He held one hand up to the sky. A giant fireball began to form.

"Baelerion!" he thrusted his hand, launching the massive fireball at Robert

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"Baelerion!" he thrusted his hand, launching the massive fireball at Robert.

Robert readied himself, he pulled back his hammer and coated it in armament haki, making it black. Another sphere formed on the end of his hammer. He charged, right in the direction of the fireball. The Baratheon leapt into the air, he let out a battle cry as the fireball engulfed him.

Rhaegar smirked, thinking that the rebel leader was finally killed. But through the flames, Robert Baratheon came flying out. He landed right in front of Rhaegar, all of time seemed to slow down. The two men were face to face, Robert was filled with fury as Rhaegar was caught off guard. That's when he swung his hammer with all of his remaining strength.

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