Chapter 6: The Bite

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Jon Snow, Ghost, and Belos Forel had been out on sea for a day now. So far the gods had been good to them, granting them steady waves and wind. Their ship, The Merry, glided along the water with ease. Above in the sky the sun show as clouds passed by, the cawing of seagulls could be heard.

All of the knowledge of how to sail Jon acquired form the books he read, along with help from Belos, were able to maintain their small vessel. However if Jon wished to find the One Piece, he would need a real crew. One of skilled navigators, healers, and warriors. People who's skills would be able to surpass that of anyone else in the world. And he believed that the best chance he had of finding these people would be to explore around the known world.

It was a calm day, the only noise being that of the waves crashing into the ship. Jon stood at the wheel, looking around to see if anything would appear in the distance. Ghost lied of the figurehead of the Merry, basking in the sun. Belos sat near the mast, sharpening his Wado Ichimonji with a wheat stone. Next to him was a bottle of wine he acquired from White Harbor.

Jon couldn't help but admit to himself about how boring the start of his voyage was. He had always read about the things that had happened to sailors on their journeys, and yet nothing of interest had happened to them. The newly made captain soon found himself watching Belos sharpening his sword, dragging the whet stone across the steel. His mind entered the memory of the feast, of how Belos was hesitant to tell Tyrion the origins of his sword.

"Hey Belos!" Jon said out loud, wishing to break the silence. "How did you acquire a sword from Yi Ti?"

"Sorry, but that isn't something I normally tell people. Besides it's not as exciting as you think it would be." Belos said, not even looking at Jon. He just continued to sharpen his katana.

"I'm not just an other common folk, I'm your captain. Besides if we are to be of the same crew, then it only makes sense to know more about each other." Jon said.

Belos let out a sigh. He put down his sword and whet stone. "I suppose you're right, might as well tell you. But on one condition, you must tell me your past as well." he was now looking Jon in the eyes.

"Very well." Jon said carefree. He moved from the wheel and sat up on the railing. "Alright then, you first."

"I come from the Forel family of Braavos. For many generation my family has made names for themselves as water dancers, my own uncle was named the First Sword of the Sealord of Braavos." Belos told Jon, he then held up Wado Ichimonji for Jon to get a better look at.

"Here is how I came into possession of this sword. My father was made the head of guard for a Braavosi merchant traveling to Volantis. While in the city they came across a merchant ship from Yi Ti and engaged in trade. that was when he met her. Upon the Yi Ti ship was a woman from the kingdom. Her name was Izumi, and at her side was Wado Ichimonji."

"Wait a moment." Jon said interrupting Belos. "Let me guess, she was your mother?"

Belos chuckled. "Yeah, yeah, and she was a great one. Back to the story, the two crews spent the night in an inn. My father's men began to mock Izumi, believing it funny that a woman could be a swordsman. She defeated them all in a single slash. Then came my father's turn, and from what they told me they fought from the moment the sun set in the west till it rose again in the east. By the end they found great admiration for each other. My father offered her to come back with them to Braavos, and she accepted. Upon the journey back they became closer and eventually they got married."

A sad look appeared within Belos's eyes. Jon noticed it.

"I'm guessing this story doesn't have a happy ending?" Jon asked.

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