Chapter 8: Buggy the Fool

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Belos held out Wado Ichimonji in one hand, in the other he pressed out his wound, trying to slow the bleeding. His attacker, Buggy the Fool, kept laughing like the mad man he was.

"So swordsman, what's your plan now?" he asked. "No matter how much you slice and dice me, my body will always reform. You have no chance at defeating me!"

Belos was unfazed. "It doesn't matter, devil fruit powers or not I will face any opponent head on with everything I got."

"So be it, looks like another victims shall fall before my blades!" Buggy said. He charged at Belos, said swordsman prepared for whatever the fool may do. But it never came, for someone else intervened the fight.

"Gum-Gum Fist!" Jon screamed from above. Seeing Belos get stabbed caused the young captain to act out. He jumped onto a table and leapt into the air. He reared his fist back and it stretched out forwards. Said fist slammed into Buggy's chair, shattering it. Buggy jumped back as Jon landed between the fool and Belos.

"You didn't have to do that." Belos said.

"Sorry, but I couldn't stand by while someone was attacking my crew member." Jon said.

"So, I see you possess devil fruit powers as well." Buggy inquired. "Been a while since I've fought someone who has powers."

"And this will be my first time fighting against someone with devil fruit powers. Should be very interesting." Jon said as he got into a stance.

"Yes we could fight, or something else could happen." Buggy said. "You two managed to wipe out half of my crew, all on your own. However you'll soon find that I am much stronger than these simple deckhands. So I'll make you a proposal; swear loyalty to me, become apart of my crew, and I'll spare your lives."

Rather than Buggy, it was Jon who was laughing. "Sorry, but there is no way I am joining your crew. I have a dream of my own, and there is no way I can follow it by joining up with a pirate."

Buggy smirked. "So it's settled then, if you wish to die so much then I'll give you a flashy death!" he said as he brandished his dirks.

"Come on then, if it's a fight you want I'll punch you right in that big red nose of yours!" Jon said.

The whole hall went silent. Belos could see the pirates looked terrified, but why. He then saw Buggy, his hat hid his eyes, but he could still be seen smiling. He chuckled quietly.

"Screw a flashy death, you'll receive a slow and painful death." Buggy said, oddly calm.

Without another word, Buggy took off towards Jon. Jon was slightly caught off guard by the quick attack, by remained focus.

"Gum-Gum Sickle!" Jon said. When Buggy got close enough Jon slammed his forearm into the pirate. But Buggy separated his to upper body from the bottom half, dodging Jon's attack. While in midair his body flipped around, so that he was now facing Jon.

"Chop-Chop Arrow!" Buggy yelled. Both of his hands detached from his body and were headed for Jon. Jon was able to turn around to see the flying hands coming right at him. He twisted his body around, avoiding the dirks the hands held. Jon's hand stretched out and he grabbed onto the fool.

"Gum-Gum Whip!" Jon whipped Buggy high into the air, ready to slam him into the ground. But Buggy began to cut off pieces of his body, leaving only a small part of his torso that Jon held onto. It was slammed into the ground, but to Buggy it felt a little more than a pat on the back. Jon let go and Buggy's body reassembled.

"Smart move, separating your body so that only a small part would feel the impact." Jon said.

"I didn't get this far in my life by knowing a few parlor tricks." Buggy said. "I taught myself how to steal, how to be cunning, and more importantly how to kill. LIKE I SHALL DO TO YOU NOW!"

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