Chapter 4: The Melee

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The day of the tourney had arrived. The people of White Harbor and the free cities all gathered outside of the city to view the event. The common folk all sat in stands and crowded around on the ground, meanwhile House Manderly and other rich merchants sat on a risen platform with a canopy above them. One by one the members of House Manderly walked up and sat down. There was Ser Wylis Manderly and his two daughters, Wynafryd and Wyllis. Then there was Ser Wendel Manderly, who wore heavy plated armor. Finally Lord Wyman Manderly, who was so fat it was a wonder how his legs were able to carry his massive body. When he sat down on his large seat, it sounded like the wooden throne was about to shatter. He cleared his throat. 

"Friends, dignitaries, and travelers! I welcome you all to my city of White Harbor! Be welcomed and feel safe under my protection!" he said in a booming voice, a round of applause followed afterwards. "In honor of our visitors from the Free Cities, I am hosting this tourney. The first event we shall hold is a melee. Which warrior will come on top, shall it be the water dancers of Braavos, the sellswords of Tyrosh, or perhaps our very own knights of Westeros. Now is the time to see!"

Another round of applause followed. The fighters began to enter the ring, Jon looked around to get a better view of his competition. Fighters representing all nine of the Free Cities were present, along with knights who had the merman of Manderly on their shields, other warriors with sigils of other Northern houses, and even some with sigils of houses from the south. Free riders, sellswords, all kinds of various heights and sizes were present. 

There were hundreds of men within the ring, Jon was of the few that stood out the most. For all he wore was a leather vest, freeing his arms. It was quite the sight as he was among many men who wore heavy armor. Outside of the ring Ghost sat and watched, the people around the direwolf back away. Once everyone was inside the gates were shut. 

Silence filled the area, the participants all had their hands hovering over the weapons, ready for the fight to begin. Everyone could feel the tension within the air. 

"BEGIN!" shouted a voice. 

Within the blink of an eye weapons were drawn and clashing with other blades. Sword clashing against sword, hammer slamming against shield, daggers created sparks as they struck against their foes. It was chaos within the sea of fighters, but Jon kept his cool. 

One swordsman of the Free Cities ran at Jon, his sword raised in the air. Jon was quicker, and delivered a powerful uppercut to the man's chin. He went several feet into the air, broken teeth flew from his mouth. Jon head someone coming from behind and spun around, a sellsword in boiled leather and chainmail charged at him. Before he had a chance to swing his weapon Jon punched him hard in the fist. 

It became sort of a dance for Jon, spinning around and punching whatever foe came close to him. Every assailant that tried to attack him would go flying into the air. Jon struck another appoint in the stomach like all the rest, except this one stood his ground. Jon looked up, and saw a monstrously tall man wearing nothing but leather jerkins and a thick iron helm, with a large curved sword in his hand. 

"Now, you die." the man said roughly in common tongue. He reared his arm back and swung his massive sword, Jon leaned back and narrowly missed it by a few hairs. The man raised his weapon above his head and swung down. Jon jumped out of the way as the blade shattered the ground. 

The large fighter kept wildly swinging at Jon, who managed to dodge each attack. But Jon was closing get closer to the edge of the ring, meaning it was time to fight back. He shot his arm back, it extended out into the crowd. People jumped out of the way, avoiding the extended limb with gasp of shock. 

"Gum-Gum Fist!" Jon yelled. His arm shot forward and collided with the man's helm. The thick steel shattered as the man went flying into the air, going over the stands and crashing elsewhere. The fighters him stopped and stared, people in the stands began to whisper about a devil fruit user. Even Lord Manderly's mouth was wide open in shock. 

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