Chapter 3: White Harbor

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Everyone within Winterfell gathered together. From the common folk in Winter Town, to the household guards and servants, even the Stark family had gathered in the courtyard along with rest of the attendants. The reason why is because the king, Robert Baratheon, was arriving.

It was a river of steel and gold as they poured through the gates. The first to arrive were bannerman carrying the crowned stag of House Baratheon on banners. Soon other knights and freeriders came flooding in through the gates. Then in rode the king upon a massive warhorse. The first thing Ned Stark thought was of how much his friend had changed. The once tall, muscular, demon of a man was now very plump with a round face. A servant brought out a stool so that he could step down.

Behind Robert were his Kingsguard, an order made of the seven greatest knights in all of the Seven Kingdoms. One of which was Jaime Lannister, twin brother to Queen Cersei and the man who slayed the Mad King. He also saw Sandor Clegane, often called the Hound, half his face was covered with burn scars, turning him ugly.

Then in rode the massive wheelhouse which carried the royal family. It was a large wooden structure with intricate designs carved on. How it didn't tip over made Ned pondered. The wheelhouse came to a stop and from the doors the queen, Cersei Lannister came out. She was a beautiful woman, with golden hair and green eyes like emeralds. The last ones to come out were the children of Robert and Cersei, Joffrey the crown prince, Princess Myrcella, and Prince Tommen. All of them had their mother's hair and eyes.

Everyone kneeled before the king, Robert strolled over to Ned and gestured for him to stand. Ned got back on his feet as everyone else followed.

"Your grace." Ned said, bowing his head.

"You've got fat." Robert said. There was an eerie silence as the two men stared at each other, then they broke out into laughter. They embraced one another. "Nine years, where the hell have you been? Why haven't I seen you?"

"I've been protecting the North for you Your Grace, Winterfell is yours." Ned said.

Queen Cersei walked forwards and held her hand up for Ned. He lightly grasped it and kissed it. "My queen."

No sooner than when Robert was done with his greetings and formalities did he turn back to his host. "Come Ned, take me down to your crypts. I wish to pay my respects." Robert said, gesturing for Ned to follow.

"We've been riding for a month my love." Cersei said, as if she were annoyed.

Robert payed her no mind and walked off as Ned followed him.

"Where's the imp?" Arya asked. She was referring to Tyrion Lannister, younger brother of Cersei and Jaime. He was born a dwarf, with stubby legs and a smooshed face.

Hearing the mention of her brother Cersei walked to her brother. She whispered to him, "Where is the little beast?"

Jaime grabbed her arm and led his sister away. "Didn't you hear, our dear brother has decided go somewhere else. Claiming it to be a once in a life time opportunity."

Back with Ned and Robert the Lord of Winterfell lead the king down into the crypts. Beneath the great castle was a catacomb where they buried all the Starks who have since passed away. A servant brought them a lantern and Ned lead his friend down beneath.

By the time they reached the bottom of the dark winding steps, Robert's face was red and he was breathing heavy. He had changed so much since he last seen him. He remembered them man in his youth, bigger and stronger than men older than them. To add upon his great strength was the devil fruit he had eaten, the Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

With this devil fruit, he could cause anything to shake and crumble down. In the Trident he changed the landscape from a calm river to an area filled with waterfalls roaring rapids, and deep chasms. During the Greyjoy Rebellion he watched in awe as he made the entire island of Pyke shake. In his prime, Robert was one of the strongest fighters in all of Westeros. But it appears that years of sitting around and doing nothing but eating and drinking had turned the beast of a man into a fat king.

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