Chapter 1: Jon Snow

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a/n: Characters will be aged up three years

Deep within the forest, there lied dozens upon dozens of fallen trees. These trees weren't uprooted by the wind nor were they chopped down, they were broken with brute force. Standing in the middle of this new clearing of the forest was a young man of one and seven. He had black hair and grey eyes. He was naked above the waist, showing his toned body covered in sweat. He had his hands on his knees as he caught his breath. He then brought his hands up to his face, seeing that there was nothing more than scuff marks on them. He smirked.

"Finally, my training is starting to pay off." the boy said, his grey eyes shined with pride.

(scene change)

The North was a land filled with dense forest, rigid mountains, and cold weather with snow year-round. In the middle of the North there lied a quaint little village. The bakers put dough into their ovens, the builders tended to houses that needed repairs, farmers tended to their crops, and everyone else attended to their daily chores. The sun was high in the sky and the air was warm, today felt like a perfect day. But then from the woods a man came running it, he was sweating and his eyes full of fear.

"Everyone run! Wildlings are here, quickly everyone get out of here!" the man screamed as he ran through the village. From said woods, a large group of people wearing heavy furs and wielding stone axes and clubs came running out, screaming their war cries.

The village folk dropped what they were doing and quickly ran away. Luckily by the time the wildlings reached the village, the inhabitants already escaped. All except for one, a young boy named Olly. Olly hid behind a barrel, not realizing what was happening before it was to late.

He watched as the raiders threw torches on top of houses, lighting them on fire. They smashed down doors and broke windows, looking for any valuable they could take. Olly saw an opening and took off, three wildlings saw him running and took off after him.

Olly ran through the forest, the wildlings hot on his tail. The boy was fast, but not as fast as the savages in pursuit of him. The wildings called out to him, saying how they were going to gut him once they got their meaty hands on his neck. Not daring to look back, Olly gave it his all to escape.

Not looking where he was going, he ended up running into someone and fell onto the ground. Thinking it was a wildling, he got back up and swung at him. But the wildling caught his fist, or so he thought. Olly opened his eyes and saw a man standing before him, with black hair and grey eyes. He had on a leather vest over a wool shirt, with the sleeves cut short.

"Hey are you okay?" the man asked as he let Olly go. The interaction made Olly forget about the wildlings who were chasing him and were now in front of the two. The man and wildlings interlocked eyes, the aggressors laughed as they noticed the man had now weapons on him.

"Well ain't this our luck, it's been a while since we could shed some blood. Now here there are two southerners with no weapons." said one wildling as the other two laughed.

The man wasn't affected by their threat. "You three, judging by your attire you must be wildlings correct?"

One of them sneered, "We ain't no wildlings, we be the free folk."

"Wildling, free folk, it doesn't matter what you call yourselves. The fact is that you shouldn't even be this far south of the wall. Judging by the smoke in the air and this kid your were chasing, you are attacking a village." the man said as he glared at them.

The wildlings pulled out their weapons, "And what do are you going to do about it, you have no weapons?"

The man smirked and cracked his knuckles.

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