Chapter 5: Setting Sail

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Once the melee was finished the other events of the day were held. A small jousting event was held, the list consisted of Westerosi knights. The winner of the tilts was Ser Wendel Manderly, despite his large body he was able to knock off any opponent that came charging at him. Afterwards there was an archery contest and axe throwing, both won by men of the Free Cities. Both Jon nor Belos watched the spectacle, for they spent the rest of the day being attended to by the healers.

By evening though both were up and walking again, just in time for the feast. A big feast was held in honor for the winners of the tourney. They were given the honor of sitting on upon the high table with the other nobles, but Jon chose to sit on the benches with Belos. The two were covered in bandages, their muscles ached, but that didn't stop them from enjoying the night.

Jon indulged in a variety of food and drinks he had never tried before. Ever since he was little Jon has had a big appetite, even being able to eat more than men three times his age and size. And after the events of today, he was left starving. There was pies of lamprey and pigeon and heron, whole roasted swans and boars with black pepper, fresh caught lobster tails and crab legs, stews of venison and rabbit with a variety of vegetables and seasoning. All washed down with ale and Dornish red wine and brandy from Tyrosh.

Both he and Belos devoured whatever they could get their hands on, grabbing fresh baked bread and chunks of meat from serving girls as they passed by, occasionally throwing pieces of meat down onto the ground for Ghost to enjoy. Throughout the night the two men told jokes and stories as they ate and drank, leaving a high pile of plates in their wake. The only person to have eaten more than them was Lord Wyman Manderly, who Jon could have sworn ate a whole roasted pig in one bite.

"Wait, so how many times did you hit yourself?" Belos asked as Jon told him of his youth.

"I don't remember the exact amount, but it had to be at least hundreds." Jon said with a laugh. Jon was telling Belos of when he practicing the Gum-Gum Fist. "Every time when my fist would snap back, it would slam into my face. Theon always had a good laugh at that. Luckily though after a while I mastered the attack, and he stopped laughing once he saw me punch down a whole tree."

Both men laughed as they knocked their tankards of ale together.

"I must say, that was truly quite the match you two had today." said a familiar voice. Sitting in the middle of the table was Tyrion Lannister. It shocked both Jon and Belos, for he wasn't there before.

"How is that you can suddenly appear out of nowhere?" Belos asked.

"It's quite easy, for you see most people never look up." Tyrion said as he gestured above him. He then plucked a roasted duck wing and bit into the meat. "My time here in White Harbor has proven to be more entertaining then I thought it could have been. Looks like the North isn't as bleak as people describe it to be."

"Our home may not be as warm or pleasant as the south, but it's people are tough." Jon said. "As you saw firsthand, the North breeds tough people."

"I meant no offense, there are things I'd admire about the North. For example before I head back south I plan on visiting the Wall." Tyrion said, now grabbing Jon's tankard and drinking from it.

The Wall, as the name suggest it is a wall. A giant wall of ice that extends hundreds of feet into the sky and stretches all the way from the Bay of Seals to the Bay of Ice. It was built by the founder of House Stark, Bran the Builder. For thousands of years the Wall has been maintained by an order of men known as the Night's Watch. Jon's own uncle, Benjen Stark, was a member of this order.

Tyrion then pointed at Belos, "I must say you are quite a fighter, especially cause of your fighting style. Most men in the Seven Kingdoms fight only ever use one sword, typically wielding with both hands or holding a shield in the other. They find it rather cowardly to fight using a weapon in each hand. Not only do you use two swords, you hold a third within your mouth. Speaking of which the third sword you have, I've never seen a water dancer use something like it."

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