Chapter 9: Beast in the Swamp

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They ran through the swamp, the destination of where they were going was engrained into their minds. The air of the Neck was hot, humid, and thick like soup. Despite the heat, it didn't slow them down. For they had a mission in mind, taking down Buggy the Fool and his pirate crew. But that wasn't the only thing we would be facing off against, for within these trees were a pack of fearsome predators, raptors from the land of Sothoryos.

Belos jumped onto a root, looking around to see if he could spot any raptors.

"Any luck?" Jon called out.

"None. I've heard that raptors are the same colors as trees and plants. Plus they run so fast yet are very quiet, said to be one of the dangerous creatures there are." Belos said.

"So we just stepped into a very dangerous situation." Jon said, realizing what they had just gotten themselves into. "Still, we are the most capable of taking down these beast."

Belos turned to Desmera. "Hey, think you can use your powers to sense them? You control plants right, maybe you can use them to sense where the raptors are."

Desmera looked at him confused. "Wait what? Just how do you think my powers work?"

"I don't know, from what I heard a devil fruit user can use their powers in unexpected ways. Thay the most creative people make the best users."

Desmera let out a sigh of frustration as she rubbed her forehead. "I've heard that as well, but there are limitations. I'm some forest goddess that can see through the eyes of every damn plant here."

"Sheesh, and here I thought you could be more useful." Belos said.

This pissed the southern girl off. "Hey hold on! Just who the hell do you think you are? As you said before I have the ability to control plants, and where are we exactly, a place filled with PLANTS! Besides I have devil fruit powers and you're just some swordsman!"

"If anything that makes me better than you. You took the easy way with a devil fruit while I worked hard to gain my skills. Plus don't forget, all I have to do is toss you into the ocean and your down for." Belos retorted.

The two continued to bicker, which only annoyed Jon. He was about to tell the both of them to shut up, but that was when he was struck by a feeling. He recognized this, it was his body's way of telling something dangerous was about to happen. He looked all around, he could see the branches of bushes as the tall grass sway, as if something was running by. That was Jon saw it, Belos saw as well, but Desmera didn't.

"Desmera behind you!" Jon yelled out to the girl, but it was to late. Before she could turn around, a raptor came bursting from the brush and clamped its jaws around her arm. With little effort, it tore the arm right off. Rather than blood spraying out, it looked as if someone tore a branch off a tree. Belos jumped down from the root, pulled out all three of his swords, and stood in front of Desmera.

"You alright?" he asked.

A branch grew from her stump of an arm and then transformed back into a normal limb. She flexed her fingers, feeling her regrown appendage. "Logia, very hard to us."

"Looks like your devil fruit has a use after all." Belos said.

The swordsman and raptor stared each other down, waiting to see what their target would do next. The raptor got into a stance, likely preparing to charge. Belos crossed his swords. Then the two charged.

"Water Dancing: Sea Dragon Roar!" Belos swung his swords, the attack landed successfully. Right as the raptor was about to rip Belos apart, three slash marks appeared on its body. The raptor was knocked back, but still stood its ground. The raptor quickly ran at Belos once more, but Jon intervened.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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