Chapter 1

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Everything is just so pathetic, the business talks combined with the fake smiles and laughs. Tight dresses, expensive suites and food. Okay the food is good, let's not trash talk the amazing food.

However, my point is that tonight I feel drained, super tired and tomorrow I need to travel back to my parent's house for Christmas. We do this every yeah, my siblings and other close family members go home for the week until Christmas day then we all go back to our lives.

Not the point though, tonight was supposed to be a night I get to close a deal worth a million dollars unfortunately that ship sank right off the bat. Don't even know what I did wrong. So I'm standing alone at the far end of the room, drinking myself into misery. Shot after shot, don't know when I even stopped tasting the whiskey burning in my chest. Picking up my fifth shot.

"Alone?" a British accent catches my attention. It's like sex on his tongue. I don't respond, just stare at his face, chocolate candy on a stick. Damn, fine ass in that suit. Charming smile. Why is he even smiling? "I'll take that as a positive sign, plus no one seems to want to punch my face. A fancy bird like you, there should be a man around."


His face lights up, amusement.

The glass is still at the tip of my lips when I think about his tongue making me sleep. There is a shiver that accompanies my thought. It's a bad idea, though, I could use someone to fuck the stress out of me.

"You don't talk much huh." He chuckles, looks around then steps closer. I don't flinch or step away from him. "I shouldn't be here with you but something is pulling me towards you. Right now I can bury my head between your legs just to find out how you sound when you cum."


Why wastes time then?

Tipping the contents of the glass. I straighten, almost brushing his chest lingering for only a second, I walk away slowly. If this is what he wants, then he'll get the hint. As I make my way to the elevator, I get in, press the button to my room which I booked for the night. His not followed and my heart sinks in as the doors start to close. At the last minute a hand holds them open and he walks through. Eyes on his phone.

Once inside, we don't speak. I'm not even interested in speaking, let's see what his packing. The feeling between my legs is a call for desperation. I rarely fuck random men especially those at the same workshop, summit, event, conference etc. but tonight I just want dick. And something about him commands my pussy.

The ding brings me back to life, striding into the hallway, he follows behind, staring at my ass. "I know we're doing a silent thing, but I have to compliment your beauty. You look beautiful and this drees is the reason I have been hard since you walked into the room." so much balls.

If it wasn't for his accent I would have told him to shut up.

When we are both inside my room I seriously can't help it but start to unzip my dress. He stops me. Helping himself with the zip, pulling it down slowly. Kissing my back inch by inch.

I still don't know why my voice hasn't found itself to him yet, I can chant his body like a teen. His hands press into my waist when he pulls the dress down. He cycles my waist, rubs my tummy then grips my ass. Pulling it apart while making sounds that might come from an animal in need.

The spark that vibrates from the spank is unexpected but I don't scream. A sharp gasp escapes my lips though. He grins as he cycles me. Turns me around and drops me to the bed. I wasn't wearing a bra. So my jumpy breast catches his attention.

"Fuck...I want to bury my dick inside you but first let me kiss those lips."

When I think his coming down, he pulls the jacket off. His teasing me, next is his tie, slowly. Belt unbuckle and then his pants and boxer is on the floor. His hood pointing at me in an angry way, like I just suggested it get dipped in vinegar.

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