my aquamarine gemstone

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and bliss

my aquamarine gemstone

stuck at the bottom of your abyss

a void of loneliness

as you described it to me

dragging you in deeper

until the end

feels closer than a new beginning

you cry my name

and all I can do is close my eyes

behind my eyelids

we are flying

over the sea

can't you see

that we are free

you keep screaming and crying

and I give you all my love

trying to keep you close

to keep you afloat

but you feel so far away

in a place I can't reach

allow me to create a fairy tale

to keep you safe

my aquamarine gemstone

I want to give you clarity

to see your life as a gift to everyone else

my aquamarine gemstone

I want to give you faith

in the power you possess

to climb over your own fences

my aquamarine gemstone

let me give you ambition

they don't call it a rose out of concrete

for nothing

if not in yourself

you'll need to put your faith

in something

my aquamarine gemstone

find your bliss

let me give you a hand

show you what you missed

reminisce mama's goodnight kisses

dismiss the conflicts


and bits of pain

let your mind expand

to better possibilities

through the acceptance of your vulnerabilities

I'll be your wings

and you'll come to understand

that as long as we are together


we shall stand

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