Meeting for the 1st time

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At the hotel:-

All the monsters were busy chasing humans who entered their hotel and killing them one by one.

Seek, a black humanoid looking entity made entirely of black ink with only 1 eye on its face, however was facing a lot of problems while trying to catch those humans.

"Ughh!! Why do those humans always manage to get away from me?

"How do they ran so fast, these days?"

Seek thought while banging on the closed door which slammed shut when those humans managed to escape from Seek's hallway in the hotel.

"I wonder what type of new entities live beyond my hallway? Let's see if I can meet them today." thought Seek.

Slowly, Seek went underneath the wooden floor boards in his black ink puddle, which he always uses to teleport himself from different places to another places in the hotel.

Soon, he arrived at a place which seemed to be like a mini library.

"Huh? This room looks different from the others in the hotel.

"Those two doors seemed to made of bronze. Very fancy to say the least" Seek thought while trying to open the bronze doors which had the marking as: "0050". (Door 50)

Suddenly on opening, Seek was amazed to see a huge library.

"Wow, this place looks so large and fancy"
"I wonder if any entity resides here or not?"
Seek thought after entering the Library.

Suddenly, a large growl can be heard from behind the bookshelves.

A tall large entity made entirely of flesh, with a giant circular mouth with sharp teeth and no eyes came running towards Seek.

The creature also had an external ribcage.

Seek got so scared, that he couldn't move an inch.

Suddenly, the creature picked up Seek and tried to eat him. But instantly, dropped Seek, confused as hell.

"Oh wait, I am made of ink. He couldn't eat me, if he wanted too, hehe" Seek thought as he got up from the floor.

"W-What are youuuuu~? The creature growled.

"Uhhhh I am Seek, an entity that lives in this hotel, just like you. I am not a human. What's your name?"Seek said trying his best to sound friendly.

"S-Sorry. I thought you were a humannnn~ . I don't have any speciiiific name, but those humannnsss call me Figureeee~" The creature said while giving a low growl.

"Oh, nice to meet you Figure. Do you want to become friends with me?"
"I kill humans just like you." Seek said in an exited manner.

"Sureeeee, my friennnnd Seeeeek~" Figure said while giving a happy growl.

Seek was happy to finally make a friend. He had met other entities in the hotel, but none of them became his close friends.

For some reason, Seek felt maybe Figure was different from others.

"W-Wannnt to reeeead some bookssss~?" Figure asked while going through his bookshelves feeling them with his long arms.

"Sure. What type of books do you have here, Figure?" Seek asked in a curious way while following Figure around the library.

"Annyythinnnng you like~" Figure said happily in a low growl.

"Hmm, do you have a horror section in your library? I always wanted to read a haunted story book." Asked Seek who was looking around the library.

"Yessss, I have~. Wait hereeeee, I will bring a horror book for youuuu~" Figure said while going in the left direction of the Library.

"Alright then. I will wait by sitting on the sofa then." Seek said while getting exited for some reason.

10 mins later:-

Figure finally returned with a book in his hand, when suddenly he tripped over a pile of books lying on the floor.

The Figure growled a bit in pain.

Seek heard that, and quickly ran over to Figure, and said,
"Figure! Are you okay? How did you not see the books lying on the floor in front of you?" Seek asked in an anxious tone.

"I~ cannnnnot seeeee~ I am blinnnnd~. It's okay, I am finnnne~"
"Thisss isn't the firssst timeee~ I tripped." Figure said by making a low and sad growl.

Seek was surprised and said, "Oh Figure, I am so sorry to hear that."

"Come on, we will read the book together. I will read the book, while you listen to my voice alright" Seek said while taking Figure's hand and walking with him to sit on the sofa.

The Figure gave a happy low growl on holding Seek's inky cold hand.

Soon, they together enjoyed reading the book. They enjoyed both each other's company very much.

It was finally time for Seek to return back to his domain, that is his hallway. Seek said before leaving in his ink puddle, "Goodbye Figure, I will go to my domain now. I will visit you soon again, my friend."

"Goooodbyeee Seeeek~ My friennnnd~" Figure said while growling in hapiness.

Soon, all the entities started working in the hotel again, until it was time for the hotel to close.

Seek went to sleep in his special bed made of ink, thinking about Figure. He finally thought before sleeping, "I really like Figure. Maybe we could be best friends soon."

Author's note:-
1st part done. Hoped you all enjoyed it. Let's see when I can post the next part. Bye.

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