A Shadow lurks inside the Hotel walls

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It was a normal day at the hotel. Every entitiy was busy killing the humans until the day finally ended.

It was evening time, and most of the entities were just having fun with each other. Few of them were sleeping.

As you all may think, the day must have went smoothly for everyone. Unfortunately, it was not so...

Atleast for Seek and Figure....

At Seek's hallway:-

Seek: "Hmmm, it's really boring today..."

Seek: "I killed almost many humans today who entered my hallway, very easily..."

Seek: "Should I visit Figure?"

Seek: "Yup! I am going to visit him now. Hehe."

Seek goes into his ink puddle and teleport himself to Door 50.

At Door 50:-

Seek enters the Library and says,

"Figure are you here? It's me Seek, and I came to talk to you for some time..."

For some time, Seek couldn't hear any growling noises coming from Figure. So, he got a bit worried and called him again.

Finally after 2 mins, Seek found out Figure was taking a nap on his desk and as a result, couldn't respond to Seek.

Seek went closer to Figure...

Seek: "Figure...are you awake...?

Figure seemed to make a low growl but before he could wake up...something strange happened....

Suddenly, Seek noticed a book was taken out by someone....he couldn't see...from one of the bookshelves and the book was thrown hardly at Figure causing Figure to roar in surprise....


Seek was a bit nervous on seeing Figure get this angry with him suddenly.

"Uh....no...I-I didn't do that. I would never do that..., trust me..."
Seek said nervously.

Figure growled more...

"Youuu~ are lying ~"
"There is no one else in my Library except you...."
"If someone was there, I would have sensed it by it's heartbeat...."

"Why Seek?! Why did you threw that book at me?...."
Figure said angrily.

Seek: "Figure...please listen to me....I really didn't do it."

Seek: "I saw something strange took that book out of that bookshelf and threw it at you..."

Figure: "Something strange?"
"What are you talking about?"

Suddenly Seek saw a Shadow like silhouette that passed by that same bookshelf from where that book was thrown.

Seek got very confused as well as nervous....

Figure sensed Seek's fast heartbeat and asked,

"Seek...what's wrong? Are you okay?"

Seek holded Figure's hand tightly and cling to his large long arm.

Seek: "F-Figure....something strange is here in this Library...."

Seek: "I don't know what it is...."

Figure holds Seek close to him and said,

"Seek....calm down...I am here for you...No one is gonna hurt you as long as I am here...okay..."
Figure said in a normal growl.

Seek blushed a bit, but finally calmed down a bit after some time...

After 10 mins:-

Figure and Seek both were peacefully reading a book together. Figure was listening to the book that Seek was reading to him quite happily.

Seek on the other hand, was still in deep thought about whether what could be that shadow like silhouette, he saw in the Library today.

Because of this, Figure noticed Seek stopping in the middle of reading the book.

Figure: "Seek? What's wrong? Why did you stopped?"

Seek: Huh? Oh sorry...I was just...I guess I zoned out a bit...

Figure was slightly worried about Seek, and thus decided to cheer him up a bit.

He quickly pulled Seek close to him, and gave him a quick kiss on his forehead.

Seek was speechless and was blushing like crazy.

Seek: "F-Figure...I...."

Figure: "My lovely Seek. Hehe."

Seek: Umm....thanks Figure...
I love you too.

Seek smiled and hugged Figure happily.

Seek's pov: I hope that shadow thing doesn't bother me and Figure anymore....I don't want that thing, to hurt MY Figure in any way....

Soon, they both cuddled with each other for a long time, until finally it was time for Seek to go back to his hallway.

Seek: "Goodbye Figure! I will visit you tomorrow again. Take care okay."

Figure: "Bye Seek! Hope to see you soon!

After that, Seek left the Library.

At Seek's hallway:-

Seek sighed as he sat on the floor.

"I wonder, what strange activities are actually going on inside the hotel these days?"

"Who could be that shadow like silhouette I saw in the Library today?"

Seek thought.

"I SWEAR, if that stupid shadow tries to hurt my Figgy! again, then I will not hesitate to burn him in the fires of my hallway!"
Seek said in an angry tone.

Seek sighed.

"I guess I will sleep now...it's pretty late anyway."

After that, Seek went into his secret inky bed and fall asleep.

Figure in his Library, also went to sleep after reading a book.

(However, something was still lurking in the shadows)

(What could be it? What was that shadow like silhouette? Was it a friendly one, or...an evil one?)

Stay tuned for the future chapters to find all your answers to your questions.

Author's note:-
12th part done. Hoped you all enjoyed it. Let's see when I can post the next part. Bye.

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